Chapter Eighteen

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Letting out a hard breath, I continue walking up the side of the road, my legs aching with each step.

I've been walking for what seems to be days, yet it's only been three hours at most.

I'm not that good at directional changes, especially when I'm on death row. My mind is free now, thinking back to everything that's happened. How do I convince Vampire Queen to let me live?

Yeah, your son bit me, but hey, I'm pretty good at keeping secrets!

I allowed him to bite me, yeah, but he started it!

He's a hot piece of as-

Blushing furiously, I fix my mind back to clean and appropriate sentences and thoughts. It can't be that hard to convince the Queen that I'm a good person, I've known her for a long time.

Well...I've only met her twice, but I'm sure she'll understand.

She has to know that I'm honestly not up to bad.

Maybe she'll even take the bite away...if it's possible.

Sighing, I step into a small puddle of mud, a disgusting noise following the landing. I make an audible vomiting noise, before taking my foot out, and ignoring the wet feeling that is giving me chills.

Ignoring the creeped out feeling I'm getting the deeper I walk into this mess of a forest, I begin to quicken my pace.

All noises emitting from around me become scarier, as the sky above me is darkened by trees, and I wonder if I'll ever see the day again. A branch suddenly cracks, and I don't bother checking behind myself, as I begin running.

Quickly hopping over anything in my way, I watch out for low branches, which threaten to smack the consciousness from my mind.

Stepping behind a tree and catching my breath, I look around at my surroundings, making sure I'm not being followed and nothing near me can harm me.

Carefully stepping out from the tree's hiding, I glance to the hidden sky, and estimate that it's 6 or so.

The blanket of darkness which covers the sky has given me absolutely no clues as to where I am, and how I will find the Queen's castle.

Maybe if I...

My ears catch a sudden booming, and I walk toward it, careful to not lose the sound of my only hope.

After a few minutes of it fading then reappearing, I walk into a gravel road, watching cars with blasting music pour from them.


Oh yeah...the party is tonight.

Either I get eaten by Marshall Lee, Kyle, or the Queen tonight. Hopefully one will be generous enough to let me not wear a dress in the process.

Following the cars which pass by without noticing me, I smile as the lights from the Queen's castle emit.

"Thank god" I whisper, wiping away sweat from my forehead, and quickly running up to the large doors which are open.


Before I can walk up the stairs, which still scare me, a male voice interrupts me.

Looking over to the petit LSP, in his female costume, I wonder how I am able to recognize him under the heavy weight of his makeup. A purple wig, which matches his hair, reaches the small of his back. He has padding for breasts, and he looks very feminine. Especially next to the half naked man beside him, who only has white bunny ears attached to his head, and a very buff body.

"Hello LSP" I say, glancing awkwardly to his friend. "Who is your f-friend?"

LSP laughs, looping his arm through his friends, as they cuddle.

"This is Brad, he's my boyfriend!"

I nod, giving a soft smile, before my eyes meet those of a blue haired Greek God.


Quickly hiding in front of both LSP and Brad, I watch as Kyle converses with his other Greek God friends. They're all here.

Clearing my throat, I stand to my full height, and look LSP in the eye.

"I have a favor to ask."

Moments later, I am wearing a witch hat which LSP stole from someone. They both help me conceal my hair, and clean some dirt from my clothes, before letting me go. I thank both LSP and Brad, before running up the stairs.

"Brad says to not be late!"

I giggle, waving to both, as I reach the top of the stairs, and walk down the hall opposite to the dining room's.

I am trying my hardest to it be caught in there.

Where is the Queen's room?

Hopefully she isn't out of to-

As I turn a corner, my body slams into another's, cold liquid pouring into my chest.

I gasp, backing up, as the girl begins apologizing.

"Gumball! I am so sorry!"

Looking up, I see a familiar face, and want to sigh. Black cat ears are attached to a face I definitely didn't want to see tonight, considering all the bad stuff that's supposed to happen.

"Hello Angel" I say, pulling the cold cloth away from my chest. "What brings you here?"

She snorts, putting a hand to her mouth.

"I'm here with Flame, cause we are dating, and I'm not a loser like you, dressed in an ugly, wet pink sweater."

She laughs, as I examine the minimal amount of black clothing she's wearing.

I nod, and begin to walk away, when she grabs onto my sleeve. Reeling back, I turn to her soft eyes, which show an ounce of pity.

"Listen...I have an extra sweater you can borrow, I'll bring it to you in the bathroom."

We stay silent for a while, me staring into her kind eyes, while her honey colored eyes dart away from blue irises.

"Thank you" I say, giving her hand a thankful squeeze, before walking into the bathroom next to us.

Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought.

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