Chapter Four

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Through the next three periods, I've only encountered Marshall once more, and that's in Calculus.


But, surprisingly, he was not a big problem in Calculus. He didn't bother me, but that might be due to the fact that I'm seated across the room from him.

Four classes down, and now heading to lunch, I feel my day slowly become more optimistic than it was this morning, and throughout the hallways of changing periods.

Trust me, rumors have already begun to spread.

I heard someone say that I was pregnant with Marshall's baby, and he still hates me for aborting it.

I had many words with the two fellows, leaving the conversation with a sense of accomplishment.

Walking into the medium sized cafeteria, I search for Marceline and the others, when I become unlucky.

My shoulder is bumped, and I nearly trip, when I catch my footing. Looking up, I glare at Marshall Lee, who walks away with some of his punk looking friends. Somehow, Marceline finds me in that exact moment, a smirk attached to her lips, once again.

Was she ever in a bad mood?

"Looks like Marshall has it in for you" she jokes, leading me away.

"And that's a good thing" I question, following willingly.

Scoffing, she loops her arm through mine, her attitude surprisingly lifting mine up just a bit more.

"It's been months since I've seen someone interest Marshall Lee that much, and maybe you kicking his ass will do some good around here."

Rolling my eyes, I adjust my backpack on my shoulders, my shoulders aching from its weight.

"I'm not going to beat him up, I'm just going to scold him."

Marceline chuckles, her black eyes staring into mine. "I think I'd prefer the beating."

We laugh, as she seats me at a table full of girls, who greet me with wide smiles and comfort.

It feels like home.

Marshall's POV (Le GASP!!!!)

I sit with my buddies from last period, listening to their deep conversation about Emily Short's busty cleavage. But, as my eyes wander the filled room of hungry kids, they somehow land directly on Gumwad's innocent face across the cafeteria.

Groaning, I try to ignore him, leaning into the conversation.

"She was practically begging me to eat her up!"

Everyone chuckles, but I must have missed the punchline, as I remain silent.

"Hey Marshall" Max, one of my best buds, asks. He waves a hand in front of my face, and I begin to realize that I've been staring at Gumwad for a while now.

"What" I shout, receiving a glance from people who sit near us.

"Why you staring at that new kid, I thought you already beat him up?"

Everyone begins to search the room for Gumwad, and I search for an excuse, cause I don't even know why I was staring.

"Look at all the girls sitting next to him" I growl, "there's your girlfriend" I say to Michael, "Angelica."

Michael glares, standing up.

"Is he trying to steal my girl?"

"I thought he was gay" someone questions.

Michael's glare turns to a confused look. "Angelica's gay?"

I mentally face palm, wondering how I even became friends with these idiots. But, as I calm my temper, I stand up, fixing my leather jacket and black jeans.

"Let's go pay them a visit" I smirk, watching everyone stand up behind me.

If Gumwad thought that beating he received earlier was bad, then he's out of luck. Oh, Gumwad's punishment hasn't even begun.

Back to Gumball!!!

After the many apologies from the girls who watched everything go down in first period, everyone began to relax, talking about normal things.

"Does it hurt" LSP questions, pulling my face toward him.

LSP, whose true name I have yet to learn, is a gossip addict. Marceline told me he has a blabber mouth, so I should keep my secrets to myself. But, I rather appreciate LSP's talkative side, he knows everything about everyone. He says his hair is so big because it's full of secrets, then told me he had referenced the movie that inspired him to become 'Queen Bee'.

I just nodded along.

I chuckle, shaking my head, as he examines my bruises. Giving me an apologetic look, he lets go of my cheeks.

"If I was there, I would've kicked Marshall Lee's ass" he states, as if it were nothing.

"Oh really" a voice calls out from behind us, and I mentally cringe. LSP's eyes widen, and I begin to feel sorry for him.

"Marshall Lee" I say, turning in my seat. My bruises still ache my body, giving me slower movement than I usually would have. "To what pleasure do we owe, now that you have blessed us with your presence?"

He rolls his eyes, and I begin to imagine his eyes eventually falling from their sockets.

"Oh" he interrupts my visual imagery, "I just thought that we" he motions to his group, "should invite you and your friends to the upcoming Halloween party, that I'm throwing."

He reaches into his back pocket, and I expect an envelope to come out, but only a paper folded in half breaths fresh air.

He hands me the paper.

I give him an un expectant look, as I accept the paper, slowly unfolding it.

In messy letters, the information involving where and when his party is, lays on the paper.

Shocked at his truth, I smile up to him, wondering if he has changed from first period.

"Oh, this is very nice of you" I say, glancing to the unsure girls behind me. "Thank you Marshall Lee" I state, "we will be happy to oblige."

Smirking, he glances to Marceline, who sits beside me.

"Marceline" he glares.

"Marshall" she growls back.

Slowly, their eye contact breaks, and Marshall walks away, his friends following behind him.

"Well" I say, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Do you not like Marshall Lee?"

Marceline chuckles, running a hand through her half shaved black hair.

"Yeah" she says, "you could say that."

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