Chapter Twenty One

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ONE THOUSAND READS. Holy heck. I don't even know a thousand people! :0

I wish words could express my happiness, but I think finishing the story will suffice. ;)



Stepping away from Kyle, who's eyes are widened, I feel blood trickle down from my mouth.

He begins laughing, a maniac at his prime, as he stomps toward me. His eyes are glowing bright red, the color he lusts for. Grabbing my shoulders, he slams his right hand on my waist, bringing me into a tight fancy position. Suddenly, he is twirling my tired body around on the tables, as people start shouting and screaming.

LSP, Brad, and Marceline desperately pull him away from me, as I fall off the table, the dress seeming to cushion my fall a bit.

Everything happens in a blur, as I limp away from the ballroom, mixed with the crowd which also runs from crazy Kyle.

I need to talk to my Mom. She can help me, or Marshall. Where am I? I need to go home.

One hand is atop the knife which is digging into my body, my other hand holds onto walls, as I exit the Vampire Queen's castle.

I might've been in and out of consciousness for a few minutes, because when I come to, I'm standing in the middle of the woods. Alone, with no one in sight.

Catching my breath, I look down to the knife, seeing a pool of blood surround the hilt, as more drips from my wound. If I don't hurry and make it out of these woods, I might die.

Quickening my pace, I drag myself down the mountain side, praying I make it.

But as I take a few more steps, I collapse onto my back, my eyes tearing up.

"I'm die?"

The bright stars above shine, as if a light memorial for my death. They call out to me, giving me a feeling of warmth, childhood memories resurface as the stars shine unto me.

I feel at home again, the warmth leaving as quickly as it came, replaced by a deadly cold. In a matter of seconds, I'm freezing, and the dress isn't able to protect me.

"Help me" I cry out, yet it only comes out as a whimper. "LSP, Marceline...Marshall Lee, please help me."

Closing my eyes, I let the freezing air fill my lungs, somehow awakening me a bit.

I need to hold on.

They'll come for me, they always do.

Closing my eyes, I try to relax, but it's hard to do with a knife stuck in my stomach.

"I'm here Gumball!"


My eyes open to Fionna in her usual blue shirt and skirt. Despite the fact that she is covered with mud, she looks like an angel to me.

"Yes Gumball" she laughs, leaning down to me. "I'm here to protect you from any wolves or squirrels!"

She laughs, and I try to, but it only comes out as a wheeze.

"Am I going to die" I ask, remaining still, as she sits on her legs.

Sighing, she grabs my hand.

"That's up to you Gumball, but if you dare die, I'm going to be upset! You don't wanna die in a dress, do you?Actually, you know what" she says, standing to her feet. "No! You aren't going to die! You wanna know why?"

I stare, watching her face turn bright red, as she continues yelling.

"Because without you, t-the world would collapse! Your new friends will cry, your kingdom will fall- and don't even get me started on your mom! I don't care about your pain Gumball, death don't care either! You get your butt up right now, march up to death and tell him to stick it! Plus, what about Marshall Lee?"

Her face is beet red, as she gasps for air, leaning on a tree.

Taken by surprise, I look back up to her, surprise probably written all over my face.

"W-what do you mean?"

She giggles, leaning over me.

"You like him, Gumball. If you die, how are you supposed to ask him out, huh?"

Suddenly, she leans in, and her lips land on mine. But as they make contact, her warmth is replaced with something cold. When I open my eyes, Marshall Lee is in front of me, leaning away from the kiss.

A dark blush covers my shivering body, and I wonder if this is real or just a dream. I wonder if Marshall's lips really feel this way?

"What's your name" he questions, giving me an angered look.

"Marshall" I say, whispering out.

"I said what's your name?!"

"Gumball" I say, above a whisper.

"What's a Gumball? I don't know, cause I can't hear you!"

"Gumball" I shout, my body gaining some strength, as I begin to move.

"What is your name?!"

"Gumball" I shout, beginning to stand to my feet.


Standing to my full height, I close my eyes, and scream out as loud as I can.


He smiles at me, and puts an arm round my shoulder.

"Go get em' Gumwad."

As my eyes open, I'm at home, in my castle.

How did I-?

Sitting up, I look at my bed which I lay on, the pink sheets a bit dirty from my skin. Glancing to my stomach, I feel for my cut, but nothing's there.

No pain, no cuts, nothing.

As if it never happened.


Looking up, I spot my Mom at the door, a worried look on her face.

"Are you alright, I've been calling for you?"

Stepping off the bed, I approach her, glancing at her appearance. It's as if nothing ever happened.

"What's going on" I question, looking around my decorated room. The band posters hanging up, drawings of Fionna and Cake that I made when I was younger.

"What do you mean" she asks, putting a hand to my forehead. "Are you sure you're not sick?"

Brushing her hand away, I try to walk past her. But as I make it into the hallway, her arm lands in front of me, stopping me from moving any further.

"What the- Mom! What are you doing?!"

Looking up to her, I freeze, unaware of what is about to go down.

Her eyes...they're bright red.

"You are forbidden to leave this room, Gumball."

Pushing me back, I fly back a few steps, her strength surprising.

"So sit down" she says in a monotone voice, "and be a good boy."

"You're not my mother" I stutter, back up. "And I will leave this room."

"You can't marry him" she cackles, and I watch in fear as her hair begins to change from bright pink to a dark black.

As my mother's innocent features change to dark, yet beautiful, ones. She becomes the queen of dark herself, the devil in its finest form.

The Vampire Queen.

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