Suhaas dev rao

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Suhaas pov:
I was in my dreamless sleep when someone came and was trying to wake me up. Me being me as heavy sleeper didnt respond to whoever it was waking me up. Then they left i thought but then im all wet with that i woke up and saw my sister nirvya and my brother karthik are laughing at me then i understood that this is their mischeif. They ran away from my room.
Hiii guyss my name is suhaas dev rao actually its nly suhaas dev but i kept rao because it was rhyaming. Im 21 years and completing my mba second year in banglore university in my dream city banglore. In my family we are five members my mom swetha dev is a house wife,my dad prathap dev is a big bussiness man u might have heard famous " dev group of industries" and my brother karthik who is doing his degree third yearand my little sister nirvya who is doing her degree first year and she is very mischeivious and drenching me with water should be also her idea only i know her but she is my lovely and only sis i cant say anything to her. I leave the thoughts and go to shower i wore light blue t-shirt and blue jeans and went down and noticed everyone in the living room and when all saw me cuming down nirvya was smiling.
(S=suhaas,K=karthik ,N=nirvya,M=mom,D=dad )
S=mrng everyone all said mrng at a time.
N= bhai how was my mrng gift she said smiling
S=i will give a special gift come here and for that she started running from me around the living room and i started chasing her what seems like twenty mins i was still chasing her untill i heard
N= ahhhh nirvi's scream i immediately ran and saw that her ankel was bleeding and she was crying
S= shhhh it will be alright nirvi karthi go and bring first aid
K= yes bhai he told and went
M= that's y i told dont do mischief u wont listen itself mom started scolding her
N= i didnt do it wantedly mom bhai im sorry and she started crying aww my babysis
S= shh nirvi itz alright u didnt do it wantedly na know dont cry
N= but bhai its paining.
D= its going to be alright princess dont cry
K= here bhai first aid
I took the dettol and dipped cotton and i was about to apply den nirvi stopped me i frowned
N= bhai dettol will burn i dont want to u put it
I signalled dad,mom and karthi to distract her first dad started
D= princess y did u wake up suhaas by drenching him
N= dad bhai was not waking up and i was feeling hungry soo i woke bhai up like that. One by one karthi,mom and dad were talking and i was making the conversation i finished cleaning and put the bandage.
S= nirvi ur bandage is done she saw down and was shocked and hugged me
N= u r worlds best bhai i hugged her back
K= im nt ur bhai karthi pouted and nirvi laughed and hugged him also mom and dad were similing soon it changed into family hug i love my family and im going to miss my family as my holidays finishes

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