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Nirvya's pov:

Im happy that suhaas bhai & shanaya di , karthik bhai and aakshi are couples now. Im very happy that people i love are couples my day dreaming was broken by aakshi calling me "niru i hate your bhai he is not talking to me at all" she said whining. "What happened aakshi why is bhai not talking to you" i asked "im disturbing him it seems so, he is not talking to me at all"she said shaking her head "he might be doing college work or something important thats why he is not talking to you"i said "no niru he is not doing any college work he is playing video game which is more to important to him" she said pouting "okay leave about that khadus now we will have our girls day out"she said happily. I nodded as we both couldnt spend since one month after there confession.

We started watching ' THE VOW ' movie which is aakshi's favourite as she saw this movie for five times still she wants to see it "niru channing is soo hot if i had chance i would have him " she said loudly "ahh! Aakshi why are shouting im hear only right"i said rubbing my ears "niru you are and idiot that khadus room is right next to yours so he can us talking so i told loudly now you see after i finish telling you this khadus will come running in a fraction of minute to your room" she said really this girl is crazy but this crazy can make my brother crazy. Like she said in fraction of second bhai at my room enterance standing there and glaring at aakshi but aakshi being aakshi didnt even care about bhai standing there and glaring at her "aakshi bhai is glaring at you" i whispered. "Let him be niru when i wanted to spend time with him he was busy with his video game now he doesnt hav right to be angry with me" she whispered. "Aakansha what the heck where you talking about getting married to someone other than me" bhai said coming towards us "niru tell your bhai that when he was immersed in his video game where did this aakansha go" she turning towards me without looking at bhai. "Listen both of you solve your problem and please dont involve me in your fight" i said walked out of my room.

As i entered living room saw mom and dad watching tv together ahh! my favourite couple of all after all these of their marriage they are still in love like newly married couple i smiled at them and walked towards to the couch and sat opposite to them by holding my head i seriously got headache by their bickering "hey princess what happened?" dad asked "nothing dad those two are again fighting" i said by shaking my head "really they both are a crazy couple and suhaas and shanaya are mature and cousy couple" mom said smiling "okay mom dad i will go and see whether their fighting is over or not" i said and walked towards my room.

As soon as i entered i was greeted with them kissing each other passionately "oh!! my virgin eyes" i said and closed my eyes. Slowly i opened my eyes to see aakshi blushing like a red tomato and bhai looking everywhere and scratching his head there a little redness on his cheeks "aakshi look bhai is blushing" i said and as soon as those words left my mouth aakshi started pulling bhai's cheeks "aww my khadus is blushing soo cute"she said "soo cute wait i will tell what is cute head strong" bhai said aakshi took a chance and sprinted out of my room with bhai following her.

I smiled at them and closed my rooms door and sat on the bed thinking. How happy aakshi and bhai are? How much ever they fight that they love each other at the end? This is what they say love is precious thing in the world which can be only given by the person who love you the most. Im happy for suhaas bhai - shanaya di, sachin bhai - neha di, karthik bhai - aakshi now recent couple dinesh bhai and purvi there's was love at first sight which is happened because of me which was told by them. Im playing as cupid and making them fall in love with each other but will i ever be able to experience the feeling love for a person.

I hope one day i will also fall in love with someone but frankly thinking why will anyone love a girl like me im not beautiful like aakshi im not cute and pretty like purvi all i have is my body fat so noone will me like the way i im. I dont want anything all want is to be loved, i mean im getting loved by my parents, brothers,friends which is different and being loved by only one person with your heart is different amd i want that love.I think what my classmates in my old college used say was right "who will ever love you a fat girl like you" they are right. No one i mean noone will love me and im sure that i will never get love of my life with that thought i drifted into sleep tearing up.

Thirdperson's pov:

Here nirvya was craving for love and thinking that she will never get love of her life but she doesnt know that there someone waiting for her and waiting to meet her and love her endlessly or i can say that he is already deeply in love with her just by seeing her photo.

To be continued.......


Hiii guysss here the other update i hope you people like the story.

I know all are egar to know about the unknown person and nirvya's admirer i think in coming chapters that will be revealed.

Thank you soo much guyss for your suggestions about nirvya's partner.

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