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Suhaas 's pov:

As i was thanking abhi we heard a gunshot that idiot adhirath stole the gun from jai's pocket and fired it before we could act anything the bullet was fired and we heard the shout "Aaaaa..." as we turn our heads to the source of the sound we all froze for a nano second the bullet hit my sweety we all were stunned not knowing what to do i was first to come out of my shock and rushed towards her "shanayaaaa" "di"" shany" "shanu" we all shouted at a time and ran towards her i caught her before she could hit the ground "shanaya open your eyes" i said "mmm suh-aas aa-kshu is fine right" she said it was becoming difficulty for her to talk "di im fine why did you save me di please di dont leave me like ani" aakshu said crying "sachin call the ambulance" i shouted "suhaas i already called the ambulance they are on the way"abhi said squezzing my shoulder "aak-shu i love you ba-by if something happ-ens take care of mom and dad" shanaya said "shany nothing will happen to you "neha said crying "nehu take care of aa-kshu if something happens to me" she said eyeing towards neha who was sobbing in sachin's arms "mmmmm nir-vi i promised you that i wont let anything happen to your aakshi i fullfilled my promise"she said smiling with pain evident in her eyes "suh-aas "she said looking into my eyes "sweety please dont stress yourself by talking " i said tears freely flowing "suhaas
i lo-ve you" she said but her eyes kept closing "sweety i love you too but please dont close your eyes please open your eyes see aakshu nikhil nirvi sachin karthik neha all there please dont close your eyes"i said shaking her but her eyes were getting heavier "where the hell is this ambulance abhi "i asked him before he would answer "suhaas ambulance arrived"jai shouted i immediately carried shanaya in my arms and made her lay on the strecher doctor immediately put oxygen mask and attached saline to her aakshu and neha went in the ambulance we all sprinted off to the car but i saw adhirath bastard in the police van i went towards him with my blood boiling "so your shanaya is in hospital ahh i hope she dies this a gift  for her ruining my life"adhirath said smirking "you asshole how dare you to speak about my shanaya like that i will kill you" i said and started hitting him "suhaas leave him shanaya needs you now we are here to take care of him abhi you with suhaas i will take him to station and do all the case formalities"jai said abhi nodded and started dragging me towards the car.

Abhi was driving the car because we were not in a state to drive as we reached the hospital i started running towards my sweety my angel who was in pain now as i reached the floor of the operation theater i saw my parents sweety's parents neha's parents and sachin's mom were present my parents were consoling uncle and aunty who were in tears now i see that shanaya was the rock of the all of us each and everyone of us were in as a strong relation with her. I went towards the theater room and sat with my heads in hands i just want my sweety in my arms i felt someone kneeling infront of me i lifted my head and aakshu with tears streaming from her eyes "jiju im really sorry because of me di in this position i was reason why ani died now im the reason because of which di in this position"she said crying "how can you think like that aakshu you are sweety's life she loves you more than me so dont think like" i said wiping her tears kissed her forehead i signalled karthik to take aakshu he came and took aakshu and made her sit on the chair. Abhi came and sat her me "abhi she is my life yaar if something will happen to her then i cant live without" i said "suhaas nothing will happen to your shanaya i know who you feel if something like this would have happened to icha even i would have felt the same" abhi said "icha who is icha abhi" i said questioningly he blushed a little "umm... my fiance suhaas im getting married in this march my engagement is there you all have to come and im sure shanaya will also be there with you"he said "im happy for you abhi we will definately come and hope sweety gets cured by that time"i said hugging him we realsed from hug his phone rang "its icha"he said i just nodded.

Aakansha's pov:

Di is in hospital because of me what a horrible sister i am i ani died because of me and now di who saved me from getting shot really a worst sister karthik was sitting beside me and hugging me "karthik im a horrible sister right ani died because of me and now di is in hospital "i asked looking at him "no angel no you are the best sister aniketh's died due to health problem not because of you now bhabi is in hospital because of adhirath not because of you" he said hugging me more tightly i saw krishna's idol there di always used to tell if you pray to krishna with your whole heart and soul then he will make your prayer come true till today i didnt need to pray because di used to pray for me but today my di is suffering im going to pray for her till doctor says she is out of danger i realsed from karthik's hug and went towards krishna's idol and started praying "krishna please make di alright i cant see her like this i want my di back you took away ani now please dont take away di too i cant bear more pain please krishna"i said crying i kneel down in front of the idol and closed my eyes which open only when i will know that di is out of danger.

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