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Nirvya's pov:

I was getting ready for college ofcourse not my college im going to karthik bhai's college and today is my first day of college and im scared that what happend in my previous will repeat again. I left that thought and went downstairs to have breakfast to see are waiting for me i smiled and started having breakfast silently "princess don't worry everything will be alright" dad said i just smiled and nodded.

We reached college i was nervous was and understatement i was freaking out. Bhai noticed my nervousness and said"nirvi dont worry dear im here na so if anyone says anything just say me okay" "bhai im scared that what happened in my previous college will repeat and i wont get any friend here also" i said "everyone wont be like that na nirvi so u will get a friend" karthik bhai said and hugged me.

As we were leaving the parking lot we saw a girl enter the parking lot in a scooty wearing a scraf. "I dont understand why these girls wear scrafs how much ever they try to hide their face they cant be more beautiful than my sister"bhai said looking at me i chuckled and shook my head.

I and bhai went different ways towards our classes i entered the class and saw only few people were present. I went towards the empty benchs and sat there and saw that people were talking about something i didnt want to hear. After sometime i saw a girl enter the room wearing a blue t-shirt and black jeans she had a annoyed expression on her face as she was coming towards the bench were i was sitting and sat beside me and smiled at me it was not a fake smile it was the real smile which i never experienced in my previous college. "Hi im aakansha rao u can me aaksh or aakshu " she said and offered her hand to shake i took the hand shook it "hii im nirvya dev u can call me nirvu or nirvi" i said and smiled "hmm nirvya nice name by the way i will call you niru different from all of your other names "she said smiling "you too have a nice name aakansha i will call you aaksh "i said. May be this the begining of meeting a true friend.

Aakansha's pov:

After talking to di about everything i started getting ready for the college ahh this college sucks i dont have a specific friend at all i have friends but they only do friendship for the money i have it soo furstrates. I left that thought and dressed for the college and i went downstairs to see mom making the dinning table ready for the breakfast. I wished mom and started helping her soon dad came and we started having the breakfast but we were missing di very badly i shook my head at that thought.

Soon i reached college in my baby my scooty mahindar duo which di bought for me as gift on my birthday i smiled at that thought and parked my scooty and started going towards my class in the middle i collied with someone and i was about to fall but someone caught me by my hand and helped to stand up. "Can't you see and walk" that guy said "excuse me you can see and walk right instead of blaming me and by removing those sunglasses so you can see properly who is coming in the front" i said angrily. "Arey karthik leave it yaar we have to go to our it's getting late" one his friends said we both glared at each other and went our ways.

I entered the class but i was stilled annoyed that after my semister holidays it my first day and it got ruined by that karthik guy with that thought i walked towards my bench and saw a girl wearing red top and black jeans was sitting and no one was talking to her i went and sat beside her and smiked at her she was a bit hesitant at first but smiled after some time we introduced ourselves and her name was new nirvya. "You are new to the college" i asked her she just nodded. I wanted to ask why but didnt want to stress it further and started talking to her this the first im feeling nice talking to a girl who is talking freely and not doing any overaction. "Aakshu can you give your notes so that i can complete it "niru asked "ofcourse niru you can have it i think we are going be best friends" i said "and also true friends " niru said. I smiled and nodded and hugged her and she too hugged. First time im feeling great after meeting nirvya its as if meeting a true friend in my life.

Heya guyss i updated the chapter.
I know you guysss are excitedly waiting for suhaas, shanaya, sachin and neha's meeting it will be in next chapter. Which will be updated soon.
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