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Nirvya's pov:

"Hello aakshi where are you? Im starting now from home meet you at college" i said "hello niru,yeah im starting now be near parking lot i will meet you over there and we can go to class together" aakshi said. I was about reply to her but i heard bhai voice came from down to come fast coming bhai i shouted back and took my backpack and went downstairs still talking to aakshi "okay aakshi come fast i will be waiting now karthik bhai is calling me" i said and smiled at karthik bhai and went towards front door "okay niru but introduce me to your bhai you talk soo much about him but never introduced him to me" aakshi said i can imagine her pouting. I chuckled and said "okay okay now stop pouting and start i will be waiting bye" she also laughed and said bye and we hung up.

After reaching college me and karthik bhai were waiting near parking lot for aakshi and as usual madam was late. Aakshi is really a different girl i ever saw her way of talking,her activities are all very childish, but whenever a serious situation comes she behaves so maturely. Im happy that i got a friend like her oops sorry not friend best friend, but if u ask aakshi she tell that we are not best friends we are soul sisters. I like one thing of aakshi is she nevr judges people by the way they look, she judges them by looking inside there heart. By the way i think how much similarities is there between karthik bhai and aakshi why cant i just hook them up into a couple and im sure they will be the cutest couple i have ever seen i have think the ways to couple them up for that i have to play as a cupid i think.

I snapped of out my thoughts when i heard a voice call me "niru" i know whose voice it is ofcourse its aakshi only she calls me niru no one i mean no one calls me niru except her but whenever she calls me like that i feel so special. I saw her coming towards me with scraf covering her face as she came near she removed it and gave me a bone crashing hug and i hugged her back. I turned and saw bhai i totally forgot that bhai was here. "Bhai this my best friend aakansha and aakshi this is my brother karthik" i said and as i introduced them to each other i saw that they were stunned seeing each other. Did they both meet before itself and that thought made me smile. "You" they both said together looking into each others eyes. "Niru he is your bhai this was really unexpected"aakshi said turning towards me i just nodded. "Nirvu she is your best friend in deed it is unexpected" kartgik bhai said too turning towards my side then also i just nodded by thinking they might have met in a good way but i stood there rooted when i saw that they were doing next you people know what they were doing.......... they were fighting yes fighting that too like tom and jerry.

"This egostic guy is your brother niru i never expected this your brother to be like this, i thought he would be sweet and cute like you but see i was completely wrong, niru....." aakshi was saying something but was cut off by bhai
"Hello madam even i thought nirvu did friendship with a nice and sweet girl not with a girl like you who has attitude in tons and kilos" bhai said glaring at aakshi and even aakshi was not less she was glaring at bhai equally and they both continued their bickering and glaring at each other occationally.
They way they were fighting it was looking like a boyfriend and girl friend. I was enjoyng but i have stop these both from fighting otherwise they might kill each other "stop it both of you, you are giving me headache i thought that by introducing you both i thought you will become friends but here what im seeing is totally different, you both are fighting like tom and jerry, you both disappointed me completely i never thought that my bestie and my brother will be like this, seriously you both dont talk to me " i said by faking anger but the look on their face was soo hilarious that i was biting my inner cheek to control myself from laughing.

"But niru..." "but nirvu..." they both said again together, awwww they looking soo cute when they say together i thought and turned away from them so that they can think that im angry and i can also hide my smile.

Third person's pov:

Karthik and Aakansha looked at each other worriedly because nirvya was disappointed with them and also angry with them and they also know that once nirvya said anything and if they didnt take her words seriously then she wont talk to them until they finally accept her words, idea or whatever it might be.

"Omg niru is angry with me and i cant let her be angry on me i have to fo something i cant loose my one and only best friend or like i say my soul sister. If it means by doing friendship with her egostic brother brings smile on niru's face and her anger reduces towards me then i will do it gladly only for my niru" aakansha thought.

"Oh shoot! Nirvu is angry and disappointed with me, how can i forget that at last she got a nice and sweet best friend according to her but according to me she is a devil. If it means by doing friendship with is attitude and devil girl and it brings smile on my nirvu face i will be glad because i cant see her broken again i will do it for you nirvu only for you" karthik thought.

They both turned towards and saw that nirvya is not at all looking at them but by the way she kept her face they can see that she is still angry and disappointed. They both turned towards each other and they just nodded at each other by knowing what they have to do. Nirvya saw them from corner of her eyes and saw them nodding at each other "what are they planning by the way?" nirvya thought.

"Friends" they said at the at same time and shook their hands by listening to those words nirvya turn towards them grining ear to ear and hugged both of them at the same time. Karthik and aakansha smiled to themselves by seeing nirvya smile. Suddenly nirvya's phone rang and it was her and aakansha's friend purvi so turned around answered it. While nirvya turned around and was speaking karthik and aakansha glared at each other "im doing this only for niru" aakansha said " same here im also doing this only for nirvu" karthik said. After nirvya's call aakansha and nirvya left to their class and karthik left to his.
Hiiii guysss i updated little early i think. As its my holidays you can expect the updates like this.

I hope you people liked this chapter *fingures crossed* i hope i reached your expectations.

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