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Shanaya's pov:

I woke up  with a sound of my alarm asushal i was switched it off and slept. After sum time i remembered it was my first day of the college my dream college i woke with in a second and started to get ready im missing my family already it was about aakshu's clg so they had to leave otherwise they would have stayed little more days. Okay shanaya take it easy. Nthng will happen and that too nehu z der na.

After getting showered i went to my closet and took my fav and lucky purple top with white leggings. I got ready and  went downstairs and kaveri aunty served me breakfast. Kaveri aunty our house care taker now she is even preparing breakfast and lunch for me. "Kaveri aunty thank you for the breakfast it's very delicious" i said with a smile "shanaya beta itz my duty to take care of you and wait i will prepare lunch box for you" she said and started to go i stopped her and said "no aunty naina aunty is already sending some lunch with neha so you dont take stress and tomorrw onwards dont make breakfast aunty i will make it myself" aunty was about to  argue i just shook my head she just singhed and smiled and left to her house which was near by.

As i finished eating and was going to get ready my phone rang i saw it was aakshu. I answered it "hello di how are you?" She asked i just laughed"aakshu yesterday only you saw me na im absolutely fine dear u tell me at what time you people reached and didn't even call me tell" i asked her "di you must be sleeping na so we didn't call you, okay it's for your college na go all the best" she said i judt smiled and said "thank you my baby sis i miss you and love you " "i miss you too di and love you too " she said and hanged up. I went towards the front door of the house and locked it and went near my scooty vespa which my dad gifted me yesterday it was my baby i got on it and started going to college which i visited with neha a couple of days back.

I reached college and parked in the shade as my baby'd colour doesnt fade away i was wearing a scraf around my face was removing my helmet a guy came on the bike and parked it near my scooty i didnt care and removed my helmet and kept it in my seat and locked ( remember guyss she didnt remove her scraf yet) i saw that bike guy was removing his helmet but with his face turned i couldn't  see his face i just left that thought was removing my scraf my phone rang i saw the caller id it was neha i picked it up and said "ha nehu " "shany where are you " she asked "nehu im at parking lot where are you" i asked her "acha shany wait there im coming " she said "okay " i said and hanged up. As i lifted my head saw that bike guy has  already removed the helmet and now he was on phone talking to  someone why im intersted in him i thought and just shrugged it away and saw nehu coming in her scooty zest and behind her came a guy in bike.

As nehu parked her scooty near mine and removed her helmet and saw that she too wore a scraf we both laughed seeing each other we hugged and released our hugged and saw those bike guyss were hugging. "Shany lets remove our scrafs yaar they may think we are terrorists" she said with serious tone and was removing ger scraf "but we are terrorists na nehu" i said removing my scraf and folded it and kept it under my seat and nehu did the same. After keeping it we started laughing at our funny conversation and turned back to see those two bike guyss were looking at us,the who came with me was wearing white shirt and black pant and other guy who came with nehu was wearing blue shirt with cream pant we looked at them they looked at us. I must say the guy in white shirt was looking freaking hot   it was my first day me already having a crush oh god i mentally slapped myself and turned to see nehu was doing the same thing and after a second she turned and saw me we both nodded at each other and walked towards our class. We walked silently "i want to tell you some thing"we both said at the same time and laughed after composing ourselves "nehu i have a crush on that white shirt guy yaar"i said "shany i too have a crush but on that blue shirt guy " she said we both smiled "that white shirt guy is soo hot nehu " i said ,"shany that blue shirt guy is freaking hot" she said. College's first day and i already have crush i smiled at that thought, me and neha walked towards our classroom.

Suhaas's pov:

I woke with my blabbering alarm sound i switched off and got up. I miss my family and im worried about my baby sis nirvu she had so much internal sadness and i felt bad for her i wish i was there near her to console her and remove her insecurities that she had about herself which were caused due to her friends but i know karthik will be there for her now has he transferred her to his college i hope my nirvu gets a true friend.

After my shower and i went into my closet and removed my lucky colour white for my first day white shirt with black pant. I proceeded towards downstairs to find my breakfast is already kept by rama aunty who takes care of the house. "Hmm aunty its so delicious "i moaned and said to aunty "thanks beta acha im leaving now tske care of yourself "she said smiling and left. I finished my breakfast and my backpack and left to college on my bike.

As i was reaching the college parking lot i saw a girl going in front of me and parked her scooty in the shade she had helmet and scraf covering her face. I just shrugged and parked at my usual place which was near that scraf girl. As i was removing my helmet that girl also was removing her helmet but not her scraf i signed and these girls and their scrafs. I pulled out my phone and called sachin and kept it near my ear that scraf girls phone rang and dhe started talking. "Hello suhaas" sachin said "sachin dude where are you ?" i asked "on the way and by the way where are you ?" He asked "im in parking lot "i said "okay dude meet you there"he said and hanged up. I was playing a game and looked at the enterance a girl entered inher scooty and behind her entered sachin in his bike he parked at his usual place near my bike and removed his helmet and we both hugged each other. "Dude why are late ?" i asked "arey yaar mom went to bussiness meeting and i woke up late" he said. As i was about to say something we both heard a course of laughter and saw that the scraf girl and tgat scooty girl who came with sachin were laughing with back towards us and their scrafs were removed and turned towards us and those two girls and we came face to face the scraf who came with me was wearing purple top with white leggings and the other scraf girl who came with sachin was wearing yellow top and green leggings. The girls looked at us and i was stunned by the beauty infront me who was wearing the purple top without much makeup and her hair flowing freely and occasionaly falling on her face which made her look even more beautiful ,oh my god i never complimented any girl this much ib my life but i couldn't stop myself from complimenting her. In middle i saw sachin looking at that yellow top girl in the same way i was looking at purple top girl. The girls were the first one to look away and walked from the parking lot. Me and sachin stood there for some time and i broke the silence between us "purple colour top girl is very beautiful yaar i think i having crush on her sachin" i said "me too suhaas but on that yellow colour top girl she is very beautiful i have crush on her" he said and we looked at each other and smiled sheepshily at our thought. It was my first day in second year of college  and im having a crush on  that purple top girl i smiled and walked towards our class with sachin.

Heya guyss i updated it with in four days and thank you all for those many numner of reads votes and comments. 
Guyss please do tell your views.
And also do tell on how the first meet between the four people.
Next chapter will be having sachin's pov and neha's pov.
I kept the photo of shanaya and aakansha because i couldn't keep it in early chapter so dont mind me please.
I hope you guyss liked this chapter.
Please do vote and comment.

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