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Neha's pov:

Of which i was dreaming at last it is becomingtrue i was sitting behind person i love you people guessed it right it is none other than sachin my first love and probably the last one.

Actually i should thank robin because if he didn't tell that there is no home delivery i wouldnt have got a chance to sit on the bike behind sachin i wantedly said that im lazy to drive my scooty i would never say no to drive but for this person who my love of life.

I was sitting calmly and he was driving i just wanna hug him tightly but my bad luck i cant hug him "talk something neha why are you silent" he said glancing sideways a little to see me "what is there to talk sachin and by the way why are taking a turn robins ice cream parlour is straight na" i asked him in confusion. He didnt tell anything he was just driving not uttering a single word i was irritated with his behaviour and kept quite.

What seems like half an hour he stopped his bike and looked around was astonished by the view in front of my eyes it was my favourite and secret place or to be specific it was a small garden with rocks in the middle surrounded by green grass and beautiful roses and tulips that too my favourite colour yellow tulip. My eyes roamed everywhere around the garden but one thought stuck me how did sachin come to know about this place i mean it was the rarest side of jai nagar and farest place from our college, my place,shany's place and even from sachin's place. I turned around to sachin who was smiling at me i just raised my eyebrow and he understood "umm..... i followed you from the college that day i couldn't see you upset and by the time i came you were enjoyng the sceneary and smiling so i understood that this is your secret place so i bought you here to say something and neha please dont talk in thd middle" he said i didnt understand of what he has to tell but still nodded. But when he started saying in was stunned.

"Neha the day i saw you i started to have a crush on you but after meeting you talking to you i have fallen soo deep in love with you i have never ever felt like this for any girl other than you i love you sol much neha you are my neha my sunshine. I love the way you say my name, i love way you talk nonstop and the way you ask questions continuously, i love the way you pout when you loose any arguement with shanaya, i cant tell anything further because i love everything about you and specially when you smile my heart beat races this only you can do. Will you do the honour of being my girl, being love of my life? Will you be my sunshine for the rest of my life to remove the darkness of my life?" He proposed. He actually proposed me by kneeling on one knee with a boque of my favourite red roses. My eyes were filled with tears and all could is just to nod and say"i love you too sachin with all my heart " he forwarded me the boque i took it he stood up and lifted me and twirled around i was laughing after sometime he put me down and we just stared into each others eyes and atlast we hugged each other that our life depended.

We both came out the hug and suddenly it crashed me that he called me sunshine was about ask why he called me sunshine but i was silenced by his lips on mine i was stunned for a minute it was my first kiss now my lips are no more virgin i reciprocated the kiss.

Sachin's pov:

Atlast i confessed my feelings to neha my love my sunshine my life i really scared that she would say no to me but when she said she loved me too i couldnt control my happiness i just lifted her twirled her in air her laugh was melody to my ears after placing her down we both hugged as if our life depend in the hug after cuming out of the hug she was about to say something but i silenced her by crashing my lips to hers she was stunned by my activity but reciprocated the kiss i pulled her towards me and held her waist tightly and she caught my hair.

We came out our kiss due to the shortage of air we connected our foreheads and were breathing heavily neha was blushing.
We sat on the rocks silently enjoying each others company neha rested her head on my shoulder i was holding her waist "sachin why did you call me sunshine" she asked by breaking the silence "because the moment i saw you in the parking lot i felt like you are sunshine to my life so i kept your nick name as sunshine" i said "okay then i will call you sachu" she said turning her head towards my side. Sachu only my mom calls me but neha calling me sachu is different it was cute by the way she saying my name i just nodded.

"Sachu i was ask you something"she said "ask anything sunshine"i said "is suhaas in any relationship"she asked "no baby why are you asking like that"i asked frowning "shany loves suhaas soo much but she is scared that he might reject her"she said "sunshine suhaas cannot reject her because he too loves shanaya soo much so there is no chance of rejection so dont worry we both will make them a couple" i said.

After sometime we got up to go neha suddenly said she had to make a call i said go on she dialed the number and kept it on speaker i thought it was shanaya but to my shock she called her dad "dad sachin proposed me i very happy dad" she said excitedly that to her dad i thought her would scold her but after listening to dad i was shocked "congratulations princess im very happy for you princess i will tell mom about it later when i reach house i know phone is on speaker sachin please dont hurt my daughter she is my princess i know you wont hurt her as you love her" her dad said i just smiled at neha and replied"dont worry uncle i can never hurt her now she is my princess too" i said .

After the talk with her dad we went to robins took the ice creams and returned to shanaya's house the scene which we saw after entering the house was remarkable me and neha stood still there.


Helloooo guysss i know im late but with this placements and all i was busyyyy.

Clifhanger what did neha and sachin see when they entered stay tunned to know.

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