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Shanaya's pov:

It has been two months since college started it has been marvelous, me meeting suhaas, having crush on him and then becoming friends with him and now we are best friends. I really like him no i love him soo much the way he smiles, his talks, his hansome hunk face i just fall for him every time i see him but im scared that if i confess my feelings to him and he rejects me or if i fear if he is in love with anyother girl i cant imagine him with anyone other than me.

I was still in suhaas dreams when i heard my phone ringing on seeing the name my curved into smile i picked up "hello you are really a true friend " i said "hello hahaha i know that dear no need to specify it" the other person said "nehu stop it yaar hear im scared and tensed you are making fun of me" i said "okay okay sorry dear i didnt mean to make fun of you now tell me why are tensed and scared" she asked "nehu im scared that if i confess my feelings to suhaas and if he rejects me" i voiced out my thoughts and fear "shany im in the same case what if sachin rejects me or he is having feelings for some other girl that i cant bear shany" she too voiced out her fear we both didnt talk for some time "nehu bear lets have weekend day out it seems like months since we hanged out so what say nehu up for the idea" i asked her " shany cany im on my way there" she said laughing we hanged up.

After what seems like one hour madam reached and we both hugged like we didnt see each other for months. "Nehu your hang out dress is in your room go and get ready for weekend fun im going to my room to get ready" i said she nodded and we both raced towards our rooms yeah we have our hang out dress it nothing but a normal shirt with shorts or t-shirt with shorts as me and nehu were close to our bedroom doors something striked in my head i looked over neha and we both nodded knowing what to do we smiled and fished out our mobiles "you call sachin and i will call suhaas" i said dhe nodded.

I called suhaas as i entered my room and sat on my bed "hello suhaas "i said "hello shanaya" he said wow the way he pronounces my name it gives chills to my body "umm suhaas me and neha are having weekend day out i thought if u could come we can enjoy neha is calling sachin too " i said please please say you will come i crossed my fingers and prayed "i'm sorry shanaya me and sachin have to submit a presentation on monday so we are preparing for it u and neha carry on some other time we will hang out once again im sorry" he said at first i was disappointed but when he told he will come next time i smiled hearing that "its okay suhaas i can understand " i said we both talked for sometime then we hung up. I was about to go and tell neha about this she only came her face mirrored mine "suhaas told he cant come" "sachin told he cant come " we both said at a time and then stared at each other and started laughing after we composed ourselves and then nehu went inside to change into her shorts i did the same.

After i changed and went towards kitchen to prepare popcorn , after preparing i came towards living room to see nehu searching for movies from my collection according to my instinct she will pick up our boths all time favourite kabhi khushi kabhi gham(kkkg)and other will be my choice "shany i choose our all time favourite kkkg the other one you choose" nehu said see i told you "okay nehu after kkkg we will watch english movie sherlock holmes the hound of baskervilles" i said i didnt see that movie at all people say it one of best movies of sherlock holmes. Neha just nodded.

We were enjoying the kkkg movie thoroughly thats when i started to feel sleepy when it was in the middle i glanced at neha she was already half asleep on the other side of the couch i paused the movie and dozed off.

I was sleeping peacefully which was disturbed by the ringing of the door i thought it was a dream and again slept off. After some time it rang again "nehu go and see who is on the door " i said and hit her with a pillow which was on the couch "shany you go im sleepy or else leave it whoever it is will go away" neha said and slept off i liked the idea and slept off too when ringing of the door became unbearable i sat up sleepily and woke up neha too and we both walked up to door and opened it lazily with sleepy eyes and saw who it was by seeing that all my sleep went away.

Hiii guyss soo this is the chapter i hope you people liked. Im just kidding i didnt want to keep you people in suspense soo here it is.

Suhaas's pov:

Me and sachin were busy perparing the presentation very seriously we were half the way to the presentation we took the break sachin went to prepare coffee and about me my thoughts drifted to my one and only shanaya my angel ya she is my angel i never thought that in these two months shanaya will become so much close to me i mean seeing her, having crush on her, meeting her, becoming friends with her and then turning into best friend of her. I seriously like her no i love her truly and heartfully. But im confused if she has feeling for me or no, if she only treats me like best friend or she has feelings for someone else the thought her being with someone else just boils my anger i cant see her with anyone.

Whenever she smiles and talks to her guy classmates seriously my blood boils like hell i just want to go to her and confess my feelings to her but my ego doesnt allow me to do that and my possesiveness just grows to the peaks whenever i see her with any other guy other than sachin. She treats sachin like her brother.

"Woah man day dreaming about shanaya" sachin smiled and gave me the coffee. "Sachin i cant see her with any other guy by seeing her talking to anyother guy my ego and possesiveness grows to peaks" i said sipping my coffee "dude you have to control your ego and possesiveness otherwise you may loose her" he said "dude the thought of loosing her only freaks me out but my ego and possiveness only grows for her" i said he was about to say something our phones started ringing at a time we both saw that shanaya is calling me and neha is calling sachin "why are these two best friends calling us at a time" sachin asked questioningly "to know the reason we have to first answer it" i said he gave me thumbs up and left the room to answer. I answered the call when shanaya told my name i felt shivers in my spine and when she asked me to hang out with her and neha as i was willing to accept it but i had to submit the presentation i know she was disappointed but when she told next time i should hang out with her smiled and hanged up the call sachin also was came ending call we signed and started our presentation.

After two hours we completed the whole presentation and saw the time it was only 12:30 we still had time " sachin we still have time to hangout with our loves so shall we go and surprise them" i asked sachin smiled and nodded. We raced upto our bikes and started to go to my angels house i mean shanaya's house.

After half an hour we both reached and parked our bikes and went towards the main door and rang the bell but noone opened the door we rang again but noone opened it we both started to panic and rang the bell continuously at last the door opened and there we saw shanaya and neha who opened the door lazily and leaned towards the door. Me and sachin chuckled see them shanaya lazily opened her eyes and saw me she was shocked surprised all mixed expression were there on her face i saw neha she also mirrored same expressions as shanaya's by seeing sachin i turned towards my angel to see her rubbing her eyes hastily to see its really me or her imagination but to be frank she looked so cute.

Shanaya and neha turned towards each other and next thing was me and sachin were covering our ears you people know why because these girls were screaming ya screaming very loudly me and sachin closed our eyes and ears after sometime when we didnt hear any sounds we opened our eyes to see shanaya and neha were hiding behind the curtins me and sachin looked at each other and looked at them questioningly and confusingly "ummm suh....suhaas and sachin you both sit on the couch we both will come in 10minutes" shanaya said stuttering we both nodded and entered the house and sat on the couch still with confused expression. We stared at them and then understood why they were hiding its  because they were wearing shorts that too we both noticed when they raced up to tgeir rooms but shanaya was looking sexy in those shorts. I think this weekend is going to be fun i smiled at that thought.

Hiii guyss im sorry for late update but i think this is biggest chap of all my chapters until now.

I hope you ppl liked it *fingers croosed*... plz excused the mistakes.

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