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Aakansha's pov:

Finally i got a friend who doesnt go by my status and wants to do friendship truly not to show off and those all are there in nirvya.
"Aakshu why were you annoyed when you entered the class"niru asked pulling me out of my thoughts "oh yeah i forgot to tell you when i was coming i collieded with a guy yaar instead of telling sorry he started shouting a me i got irritated and i also started shouting at him he was wearing black sunglasses and walking we were still fighting his friend dragged him with him and his name was " i was about to tell niru his him but stopped when i heard her laugh i saw she is laughing so hardly that she had tears in her eyes "here im telling about my reason about me being irritated and you are laughing this is not fair niru" i said and pouted "aakshi it was funny yaar and dont pout you look so cute in that". Niru said my smile dropped.

"Aakshi what happnd?" Niru asked with concerned "nothing yaar when you told that i look cute when i pout that it made me remember my di" i said. "You a sister what's her name and where she now? Why are missing is she not living with you?" niru asked "oye oye those many questions at a time yes,i have a elder sister she is not only my sister she my bestfriend, mentor, i really love my di so much and yes she is not with me she is doing her mba in banglore, i really miss her, and do you have any siblings" i said smiling. "Yeah i have two elder bothers my first brother is doing his mba in banglore and my other brother is doing his degree in this college only and im their darling sister" niru daid smiling.

At the lunch time we were walking towards the canteen i saw my group of friends were asusual at our table. I dragged niru towards them and started introducing them "hii guyss meet my best friend nirvya and niru meet my school friends" "hii nice meeting you all "niru said but she wasnt comfortable like she was with me i can feel it. "Aakshi you sit with them i will go and near my brother to meet him" she said and all i could do was to nod. Something is bothering her i have know. "Aakansha you never let us call you by your nickname and you are letting that girl call you by the nickname is she more important for you than us" priya said ahh this girl always meant to irritate me "priya first of all her name is nirvya not any girl and yes only she has a right to call me with a nickname so just shut your mouth and sit" i said angirly. "Aakshu cool down yaar and priya please dont irritate her, aakshu go and see what happened to her i cant see you worried like this" nisha said. "Thanks nishu only you can understand me completely come we will go near niru" i said smiling. Nisha has been my childhood friend and she understands me completely that's why she is my sweetheart now i have to find my niru. I started walking from canteen in search of niru.

Nirvya's pov:

"Nirvu how can you think that you will a true friend. How can you forget all those insults which haunt you your life time if you go to any college. Because of you aakansha has ruined her reputation why cant you understand that you cant get a friend if you get also you will loose them" i was immersed in my thoughts and priya's words were lingering in my mind she is correct i didnt notice that i reachd a garden type of area at the back of the college i sat down and broke down into tears suddenly i felt someone embraced me in their arms i was so immersed in my crying that i didnt notice who it was but the hug was of love and caring. After few minutes i composed myself and saw the person who hugged me was none other than aakansha who was seeing with concerned and main important thing is there was a friendly love in that eyes. "Im sorry aakshi i didnt notice you" i said "there is no need to be sorry niru i dont know why you were crying but im always there for you " she said wiping my tears. "Aakshi i want to tell you something" i said i should tell her everything after that also if she doesnt want to do friendship its upto her, she just nodded.

I started telling her everything that happened from my inter college till my old degree college. "Aakshi i know im a embrassment to you in front of all your friends i just ruined your reputation i cant have a friend in my life i just ruin everything what priya told was correct im not that fit for your friendship im " i was cut in the middle by aakshi "niru your not an embrassment to anyone your old collegemates are fools for not having a friend like you and coming to what happened in canteen priya is like that only yaar she is a jealously type of a girl i know her from school she does the friendship with me by seeing my money many times she tried to spoil mine and nisha's frienship dear so you didnt ruin anything your are my best friend nirvya dont keep all those in your mind"she said i just nodded smiling and hugged her "i didnt feel this much happy in my life your aakshi im lucky to get you has a best friend" i said "im lucky too for being your best friend and getting to know my true friend" she said.

Aakshi introduced me to nisha who there from long time she too heard and said that whatever aakshi told was correct about me. "Guyss by the way how did you both find me" i asked "dont ask me about that we searched everywhere and finally thought that when you will come to class we will ask, so we came to our favourite place and our secret place and saw you crying" aakshi explained "ohh" that's all i could say. "So without knowing only you came our secret place and this place became our frienship's starting point" nisha said i and aakshi nodded and we group hugged each other. Knowing your true friends is a wonderful feeling which make feel we are important im lucky for experiencing it.

Hiii guyss i know im late this time but i was tired yesterday soo i couldnt update it.
My system is having a problem so
im dedicating this chapter to @heeralkumar14
I hope you guyss will like it.
Next update will be about lead actors. I know you all are egar to know about them but aakansha,nirvya and karthik are also important guyss.
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