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Shanaya's pov:

Omg im having a crush on the senior i cant believe it when he appeared on the stage me and nehu were shocked totally shocked. I mean having a crush on our senior was really a thirlling one and i just want a chance of meeting him and talking him would be a exciting experience i wish it happens but i know it will never happen. Me and nehu were enjoying our crushs dance i was watching him without blinking my eyes. Soon the performances were over it was the time for our seniors to talk how badly i wish i could hear his voice.

After all the speeches given by cultural department students it now time for the cultural co-ordinators to give the speech. Nehu's crush took the mike and started giving the speech i turned and saw nehu was watching him continuously without blinking her eyes till his speech was finished from the speech i got to know that nehu's crush name was sachin. After sachin's speech nehu turned her head and saw me eyeing her teasingly she started to blush furiously "soo sachin ahh ur crushs name is" i said wringling my eyebrows she just turned away as i was about say something to her i heard a husky voice coming from the stage i snapped my head and saw my crush was giving the speech "hii freshers my name is suhaas dev rao im the cultural department co-ordinator with sachin hegde. If anyone is interested in the events which will be conducted through out the year they can cum near us. Thank you have a nice year a head freshers" he said through out his speech i was looking at him and continuously without blinking my eyes and smiling whenever his roamed all round the room whenever his eyes caught mine he used to stare at me for fraction of second and would turn around the room. I was staring at him then suddenly i caught his name suhaas dev rao and me shanaya rao wow rao and rao.

Neha's pov:

I saw how shany was smiling throught out the suhaas's speech just like was smiling when sachin's speech was going on. His was looking so hansome while giving the speech and his voice was mesmerising i hope i can meet him. Soon the programme finished as me and shany were going out of the auditorium when i heard someone calling my name it was a familiar voice i turned around and saw pooja di was calling me.

I waved at her as she was coming near me "hii pooja di" i said when she came stood beside shany "neha how many times i have to tell you to call me pooja not pooja di "she said and pouted. I just laughed at her and said "okay pooja" i looked at shany she had a confused expression on her face "pooja this is my best friend shanaya and shany this pooja" i introduced them to each other they shook their hands "nice meeting you pooja"shany said "nice meeting you too shany "pooja said smiling but she did a mistake call her shany shanaya doesnt like anyone calling her shany except me "pooja dont mind me but please dont call me shany only neha can call me with that i dont like anyone calling me like except her if you want you can call me shanu" shany said "okay it's cool yaar i wont call you shany i will surely call you shanu, so you both are freshers here"she said and asked us we just nodded.
Yeah guyss i forgot to tell you how i know pooja, she was my  senior when i was doing my degree there she was cultural head and here also she is in cultural programmes. We were talking with us whem a guy came "pooja you are here we were searching for you at the back stage" that guy came and said her "i came to meet my friend yaar by the way meet neha and shanaya my friends and guyss meet my boyfriend nishiketh" she said introducing us we both shook hands with him. Nishiketh's phone rang at that moment "ya suhaas we are at the entrance gate you and sachin come here"he said over the phone me and shany looked at each other and smiled listening to our crush names.

Third person's pov:

As sachin and suhaas were coming towards the entrance of the auditorium they saw pooja and nishiketh were talking to some one.

Here neha and shanaya were talking to pooja and nishiketh they saw sachin and suhaas walking towards them talking to each other and laughing. As they reached towards them sachin came from behind and closed" sachin dude i know its you just remove the hand"pooja said to him as she told he removed his and stood beside her "sachin and suhaas meet my friends neha and shanaya and neha and shanaya this sachin and suhaas"as pooja introduced four of them they were staring at each other eyes and after a min or so they snapped out of each others eyes.

"Nice meeting you suhaas " as shanaya said put her hand infront of him to shake suhaas took her hand and shook it wow the way she said my name was soo mesmerising im in love with her voice finally meeting the crush is thrilling experience and im truly loving it suhaas thought.

"Nice meeting you too shanaya" as suhaas said still holding her hand i never thought my name will be this beautiful but after him telling my name with his husky voice which im in madly in love with, maybe this is the feeling we get when we meet our crush shanaya thought.

"Its my pleasure to meet you neha" sachin said wow he thinks its his pleasure to meet him its actually my pleasure meet him neha thought as sachin forwarded his hand to shake by only staring into her eyes she took her his and shook it. Wow meeting the crush on your first day of college is the most memorable moment for me in my life neha thought.

"Its my pleasure too to meet you sachin" as neha said while shaking his hand and looking into his eyes wow my crush name is neha and it suited for her beautiful face im more to look into her eyes for the whole day and meeting my crush and seeing her for the whole year the wonderful thing sachin thought.

All four realesed their hands and smiled at each other and sachin and shanaya introduced theirselves , suhaas and neha introduced theirselves.

All the four had their own thought of meeting their crush at the end of the day.


Surprise guysss i thought of updating on thursday but all of you were upset that i didnt write about these meeting i felt bad soo i updated today i hope i reached your expectations.
This chapter is dedicated to all those who wanted their meeting.
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