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Neha's pov:

As me and shany were going to our class room but im just thinking about the blue shirt guy how hansome he is? I wonder which year he might be which class he might i hope he is in my class. Stop it neha i scolded myself. I was lost in my thoughts soo much that i didn't even here shany calling me "nehu hello were are you lost we have to go to auditorium as it's our first day" she said "im sorry shany i wasn't to you i was lost some where" i said "lost somewhere aur lost in someone's thought"she said teasing me i started blushing . "As if you are not lost in that white shirt guy's thoughts"i said and i teasingly and it was her time to blush. After some time we both stopped blushing and thinking about our crushs and walked towards the auditorium.

It was long distance as it was back of the college. Auditorium was big and was having a garden at it's entrance and freshers welcome board was written. I looked at shany she was in aww with the scene infront of her "wow it's awesome na nehu" she said "ya shany it feels welcomed here" i said she smiled and nodded.

We entered the auditoriun and sat in the fourth row so that it would be vidible to us. Some other students came and sat with us we introduced each other and started talking until principle made the announcement "good moring students and first of all i warmly welcome our freshers who came here to become part of the banglore university. I hope you all feel welcomed in the university and also i would like you all to enjoy the cultural event held for you all by our cultural department. Enjoy yourself students and have a nice day" with that principle got down the stage and sat in the front row with remaining faculty.

The performances started with a prayer song , followed by classical dance. In middle a skit was performed which was so jovial. After the skit, there were various speeches given by each faculty by different departments. An av of college was displayed on the projector. In was mainly about how are the faculty and main heads of the departments along with there co-ordinators.

After which seems like 1 hour the av of the college was finished and an announcement was made that dance performances will be anchored by cultural students heads of departments. When the announcement was made i was stunned to see the person infront of me i mean on the stage. I looked at shany she was looking at them with shocked expression. "Omg they are our senior" me and shany whispered at a time while looking at each other crushs. We composed ourselves and continued watching them perform. Mine and shany's crushs are our seniors. I smiled and thought that im going enjoy my first year here and continued to watch my crush dance.

Sachin's pov:

After that yellow colour top girl left i was still lost in her thoughts. Her beauty was undefined i couldn't just think straight i never felt my heart raising like this for any other girl. Who is she? Is she in my class? I hope she is in my class. Stop it sachin i scolded myself.

I was soo lost in my thoughts that i didn't see that my friends were coming towards us until suhaas nudged me. I snapped out of the thoughts and smiled at them and we hugged each other. "Hey guyss we have be at the auditorium for the welcome of freshers " pooja said we all nodded and started towards the auditorium "you were thinking about that yellow dress girl na dude" suhaas said teasingly i just smiled sheepishly "as if you not thinking about that purple dress girl" i said teasingly now it was his time to smile sheepishly. We both just smiled at each other and walked towards the auditorium to see the decorations. After 1 hour we were all done with the decorations. Slowly all the freshers started to fill the seats we were all seating at the back stage seeing the arrangements and setting the events in systematic order. After principle sir's speech we started our welcome program for freshers. After prayer song , classical dance was going pooja suddenly came and said "sachin suhaas the cd which we have planned for our dances are missing yaar im scared lily mam is going to scold us " she soo tensed "pooja cool down yaar im have the extra copy of the cd but it is at my house" suhaas said "suhaas it takes maximum half an hour yaae from college to your house and same time from there to here we have yo delay our dance performance for 1 hour". We thinking of an idea lily mam our cultural head came and asked us what happened we told her our problem now even mam was in dialama of wat we should do "mam why can't we tell all the heads of the department to talk about their departments with all of them talking half an hour will be passed and then we can put the av of tge college in the other half an hour however we should keep the av in the end why not now in that mean time me and sachin will go and get the cd ffom my house" suhaas said actually it was an brilliang idea we all nodded and even mam accepted it and went to inform all the department heads. Me and suhaas headed towards parking lot "we will take my bike let your bike be here only "suhaas said i nodded.

Av was about finish me and suhaas entered the auditorium we hurried towards the back stage and gave gopal our cd to play during our performance. We were all ready for the performance lily mam announced me and suhaas to host our dances as we entered the stage to host my eyes caught the parking lot girl my crush she is a fresher i was shocked i looked at suhaas he was shocked to see his crush as a fresher and looked at me with shocked expression we turned and saw even the girls were shocked "omg they are our juniors" me and suhaas whispered at a time and thank god our mikes were not yet switched on otherwise whole college would have none by now. We both composed ourselves and announced about the dance performance whole time my eyes was on my crush. After our dance performance me and suhaas looked at each other and smiled. Im going to like this year a lot.

Heya guyss i knw im late this time but i felt lazy to update it at last i updated it.
Guyss due to my computer signals i couldn't dedicate some chapters im going to dedicate it today.
I hope you all like this chapter.
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