Better Call Saul!

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You are in the livingroom sitting on your couch bored.

  Skyler: Melanie aren't you suposed to get a job? You grantuated law school 3 weeks ago and you still didn't get a job! We're already low on money cause we payed for your law school! Just do something productive with your life, Melanie. Find a job already!

You: Yeah mom...You're probably right. My law school was expensive.. I really need to get a job.

As you say that you open your TV and start looking thru channels till you see an interesting comercial:
"Hi, I'm Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? The constituion says you do! Amd so do I. I belive, that until proven guilty, every man, woman, and child in this country is innocent. And that's why I fight for you, Albuquerque! Better Call saul! Call now: 505-842-5662!

   Skyler: Look, Melanie! You should call and request a Job Interview! *Skyler notes the number on a paper*
Come on Melanie! Call the number! *she hands you the paper with the number*

You: Fine mom! *you get up and get to the cell phone from the kitchen counter*

*you dial the number on the cell phone and start calling. Someone answervs*

   Saul: Speedy justice for you! Saul Goodman speaking, how may I help you?

   You: Can I request a Job Interview? I graduated Law School 3 months ago and im looking for a job..

   Saul: Sure. I could make you an appointment and we could meet. What's your name? And how old are you?

   You: I'm Melanie, Melanie White! And I am 24 years old.

Saul: So, Miss White, could you come tomorrow at my law office? Around 9:30 am? How does that sounds to you?

You: That is perfect for me. Where exactly in Albuquerque?

Saul: The adress is: "9800 Montgomery Blvd NE". Meet you tomorrow, Miss White! Have a good day!

*You hang up the phone happily*

You: Mom, I have an interview for tomorrow at 9:30 am! I did it!

Skyler: I'm so proud of you, Meanie! Good job sweetheart!

Sorry for this chapter, it was short. But I'm so sleepy and I can't think anymore, so stick eith it. Word count: 374

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now