The truth

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I was shocked when i found out my dad was a Blue Meth Manufacturer. I thought we're poor. But we aren't actually. This makes sense now, that's how we can afford an 12 milion dollars boiler. As I waited for Julie and Jesse I questioned myself some things. I zooned out, again. I often zoon out but I just don't know how and why...

Walter's Pov

Saul left and Walter remain alone still sitting on the couch. Jesse enters inside the house.

Walter: Jesse! Who the fuck told you to come in here? Get out!

Jesse: Yo. I was actua-

   Walter: Jesse get out! He yells

                        Back to my pov

I hear my dad yelling so I rush holding Holly in my arms to the living room. I feel confused cause my dad is yelling at Jesse to get out. Does he meet Jesse before?

   Me: Dad! Stop yelling! Do you know this guy?

   Walter: No I do- I intrerupt him from finishing his scentence.

   Me: Dad, just tell me truth! I already know it!

   Julia: Wait, what truth? What happend?

   Me: Dad, tell us already! Mom and Flynn are not home. Speak up! We won't tell anybody abou this!

   Walter: Who told you? Saul, Jesse? Who did it? Who told you, what do you know? He asks shocked

   Me: I know that you are cooking meth. First of all you're the best description of Heisenberg. Then, how can we afor a 12 fucking million dollars boiler?

   Julie: What! Uncle Walt, you're cooking that good blue stuff? Oh my gpd! Incredible! She smiles

   Me: No shit. We need to keep our mouths shut about this. We need to be the only people who know this.

   Walter: You better would do that.

   Julia: Yeah, but in excange of drugs.

   Walter: Are you doing drugs, Julia?

   Julia: We uhmm-

   Jesse: Both of them are doing drugs. Especialy, Melanie likes blue meth.

   Walter: Melanie!

   Me: What? At least I don't keep secrets from my family that I cook meth!

   Walter: Yeah... So the truth is that I cook the blue stuff.. But Julia, how can you do drugs? Your father works for the DEA.

   Julia: I know how to keep secrets, uncle Walt. Just like you do...

I hear my mom comming back home, I hear her parking the car infront pf the garage.

   Me: Oh fuck! Jesse, run in the backyard, and hide there!

Jesse rushes to the backyard hiding there. Skyler and Flynn got inside. Skyler rushes to Holly, wich is in my hands.

   Skyler: Holly! She takes her away from my hands.

   Julia: Hi, aunt Sky!

   Skyler: Oh, hi! I didn't saw you here. What are you doing here?

   Julia: Well-

   Walter: We we're-

   Me: We we're talking about my new job! She came over to see you, mom.

   Skyler: Oh, my dear! She sketches a smile

I didn't have too much inspiration while weiting these chapter, so that is why it is so short. I also had a bad day, but that doesn't really matter. I didn't really like how this chapter ended up, but I promise I will make a gooder one. Kisses

   ~Maria McGill

Word count: 530


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