The first day

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You wake up at 7:00 am and you see that Flynn isn't in his bed anymore. So you get out of your bed and start walking to the kitchen. You see your little sister Holly making her first steps and your father is helping her.

   You: Oh gosh! Holly is doing her first steps!

   Walter: Brave little Holly! She just learned how to do her first steps.

   Skyler: She did it! Also, Melanie at what time do you need to go to work?

   You: At 9 am, mom!

   Skyler: Okay then! *She puts pancakes on plates from the table* Let's eat! *she smiles*

They all take a seat at the dining table and eat the pancakes. After eating everybody leaves to go to work or school except you. The time is 8:00 am. You rush into your room to get ready for work. You open that drawer from your wardobe where you have your work clothes. You change into that clothes, you put on some makeup and then your straightne your hair. You look at your watch and you see that it is 8:40. You think that you will be late on your first day of work. So you run to the kitchen, to get the car keys from the kitchen counter. After that you rush to your car. You get in the car and start driving to Saul's law office. As you drive you think to turn on the radio. After you listened to some music on the radio you get a little catched in the trafic. You hear Saul's comercial on the radio while you are catched in trafic. You smile a bit then you stop. You remember that you need to remain proffesional. After around 5 minutes you arrive to "Saul Goodman & Associates" the new place you work for. You look again at your watch and you see that it is 8:59 am, you got right on time! You also see a white Cadillac Deville wich number plate is "LWYRUP" parked infront of the Law Office. You think for a second and then you say in your mind "Oh, that must be Saul's car..." . You get out of your car and start to walk towards the Law Office, you get inside and see Saul getting out of his office.

You: Oh, Good morning Mr. Goodman!

Saul: Good morning, Melanie! You can call me just Saul!

You: Okay then! What should I do?

Saul: Well, you see that desk over there?*a desk in the waiting lobby* That will be you "office". Does that sound alright to you?

   You: Yes it does!

   Saul: You will help up clients in-need, make my program, take calls, and help me with what I need.

   You: Okay then! I love your car number plate! *you give him a confident smile*

After some minutes, Saul heads to his office. You take a seat at your desk and you start answerving calls and making Saul's schedule for tomorrow. After some time of working, the cell-phone on your desk starts ringing again. You pick up and you hear a familiar voice.

   Saul: come in my office, I need you help a little bit, Melanie! *he hangs up*

You put the phone back in his place. You get up from the chair, you start walking thru the lobby as you see people waiting to speak to Saul. Before enetering his office you gently knock one time at his office door and then you get in and after that you close the door after you.

   You: How may I help you, Saul?

   Saul: We got out of printer ink. Could you go and buy some more? Please buy go and 4 ink cartridges? Here is my debit card, please pay with it! *he hands you his debit card*

You: Yeah, sure!

You get out of the Law Firm and you head to your car. You start to drive slow and carefull to the Computer Center Store. As you drive you decide to start the radio again. On the radio is one of your favorites songs, "psycho killer" by Talking Heads. You sing along with the song for the entire ride. You don't even realise that you have made it to the Computer Center Store. You are parking the car on one of the parking lots infront of the Computer Center. You get out of your car and you lock the car. You rush inside the Computer Center Store. As you get inside you see a blonde woman standing at the counter, she is probably bored there especially this is how she looks. You lead to her and ask her polietly.

You: I'm sorry to disturb you Miss. But do you sell ink cartridges here?

Woman: Yeah, actually we do! Would you like to but one ink cartridge or more?

You: Uhm... I would like to buy four ink cartridges, please!

The woman turns around and she takes four ink cartridges boxes. Then she turns back facing you. She puts the ink cartridges boxes on the counter. You notice that she takes a pack of chewing gum from her jacket pocket, and she tales one gum from there. Then she starts chewing gum aggressively. Then she scans the ink cartridges box, she places them back on the counter and then she looks at the computer and she starts to speak.

Woman: It will be one hundred dollars(100$) cash or card?

You: Card, please!

She presses some buttons of the POS and then she turns it to you.

Woman: You know how to pay, right? She keeps to chew her gum aggressive and you get sick of that.

You: Yeah, I do! You grab Saul's debit card from your coat pocket and you approach the card to the POS. You wait a little then you see that the payment was approved. You take that card back from the POS and you rush it back to your coat pocket. The woman puts the ink cartridges into a bag and then she puts the bag on the counter. You take the bag and you rush back to your car, unlocking it and getting into it. You throw the bag on the passager's seat. You start the car and drive back to "Saul Goodman & Associates". As you drive s little bit faster than last time you drove to the Computer Center Store you hear your cell-phone ringing. Thinking who that could be? You rush to take your phone from your other coat pocket. You look at the screen while driving and see that "Julia" is calling. (Maybe you wonder who is Julia? Irene is Melanie's best friend, she is a drug dealer. You will know more about Julia while reading the next chapters). You answerv fast to Julia.

-Phone conversation-
   You: -Ayo July!
   Julia: -Ayo Mel! My parents are going in a vaccantion. I wanna throw a party tonight, are you in or are you out?
   You: -YOOO! Of course i'm in! I just need to tell my parents that im comming over at your place. But right now I'm at work.
   Julia: -Alright! What job did you got, lawyer?
   You: -I work for Saul Goodman, I'm his uhh... Paralegal. I help him up with things...
Julia: -Saul Goodman? That hot lawyer?
   You: -Yeah... The lawyer wverybody wants to fuck..
   Julia: -Gosh, girl! You are so lucky!
   You: -Yeah, Julia. I should probably go! I'm heading to work right now! Meet you tonight, about what time?
   Julia: -Like 8pm sound alright to you?
   You: -Yeah, July! Meet you there. Bye! Kisses.
   Julia: -Okay then. See ya. Bye! Kisses!

You hang up then you park your car besides Saul's car. You take the bag from the pasagers seat and get out of the car. You lock the car and head to the Law Firm. You get inside and with no hesitation to Saul's office. You see him there with no client sitting on his chair with his legs crossed on the desk, smoking.

   You: I got the ink cartridges, four of them as you sayd.

   Saul: Cool, Melanie. Thanks. He says as you put the bag with the four ink cartridges box inside of it. Then you hand back his debit card.

   You: May I ask something?

   Saul: Go ahead, Miss!

   You: May I leave faster today? I wanna go to a party and it starts at 8pm...

   Saul: Who is throwing a party?

   You: Julia, Julia Schrader! She's my cousin and also my best friend..

   Saul: Her father is a DEA agent? Somehow Hank Schrader?

   You: Yeah. So can you please let me go home faster?

   Saul: Yeah sure.. I also wanted to say to you to leave faster today cause it is Friday.

   You: Thank you Saul! Bye!

   Saul: Bye Melanie!

You look at your watch and see that the time is already 7pm. You rush to your car, unlocking it and starat driving to your house.

I told you this chapter will be longer! So here it is! Hope you enjoy reading it... I promise you that the 💋💋💋 things will be as soon as you think. You will be surprised about the next chapters! I'll publish then as soon as I can! Kisses
Word count: 1544

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now