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I wake up in this preaty Sunday morning, hearing my dad and another familiar voice talking in the living room.

   Me: Flynn!

   Flynn: Yea? What's up?

   Me: Who's out there?

   Flynn: Uh, just a lawyer!

   Me: Saul, Saul Goodman I rub my eyes

   Flynn: Yeah

   Me: Oh Fuck!

I get out of my bed looking in the mirror. I brush my hair so it won't look that messy.. I'm still in my pijamas, and I won't change them. I get out of my room and I head to the living room. I see Saul and my dad sitting on the couch while speaking. My eyes lock on Saul for a couple of seconds.

   Walter: Look who's awake!

   Me: Yeah! No shit Sherlock!

   Saul: Miss White! Long time, no see.

   Me: Yeah.

   Walter: Saul told me that you are his paralegal.

   Me: Yeah, no shit Sherlock!

   Walter: Language.

I hear my phone ringing from my nightstand.

   Me: I'll be right back!

I rush to my room and I pick up the phone.

-Phone Call-
   Me: -Hi, Melanie White speaking!
   Esse: -Melanie, it is me, Esse!
   Me: -Oh then hi Esse.
   Esse: -Wanna go out for a date todat at 2pm?
   Me: -Sure, Esse. Where?
   Esse: -How does Los Pollos Hermanos sounds for you?
   Me: -Good! See ya there, Esse. I'm having a little work to do now. I hang up.

I rush back to the living room to see why Saul is here. I take a seat on the armchair besides my Saul's side of the couch.

   Saul: Melanie, you don't write you don't call.

   Me: Well sorry, I was kinda busy these days..

   Saul: Yeah sure.

   Me: Dad, I'm going to a date a date today, at 1pm. With a guy named Esse! Saul looked a little curious...

   Walter: Where?

   Me: At Los Pollos Hermanos. I better go and get ready cause it is 12:15pm! Bye!

I rush back to my room. I put a little make-up on, I change into another hot dress and I straighten my hair. I call Esse, he picks up fast.

-Phone Call-
   Me: -Esse, I'm wondering if you could pick me up for this date, please!
   Esse: -Sure, where do you live?
   Me: -308 Negra Arroyo Lane.
   Esse: -Okay! I'll be there in 5 minutes! I hang up.

I walk to the living room.

   Me: Dad, could I have 20 more dollars? I got left with 30 dollars from last night at the club.

   Walter: Yeah. He hands me another 50 dollars.

   Me: But dad, I asked for 20 dollars, not for 50 dollars!

   Walter: Keep them!

   Me: Thank you, dad! I hear a honk outside.
This should be my date so I'll better go! Bye dad, bye Mr. Goodman! I smile as I rush outside.

I get inside Esse's car and he starts to drive. I enjoyed the ride but sometimes it was too quiet. Esse decided to break down the silence.

   Esse: So, do you have a job?

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now