The Job Interview!

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It is already 8:30 am and you have been preparing for more than 30 minutes. You wanna look good for your first Job Interview.
You look in your mirror

   You: I look so good today! I hope I get that job! I can't wait..

   Walter: Oh my dear daughter.. Look at you, how beautifull you are, dear Melanie! You growed up so fast.. I feel just like yesterday you had your first school day and now you have a Job Interview. We're proud of you!

   You: Thanks dad! I hope you also have a good day at work! Bye!

   Walter: Bye Melanie! Good luck darling!

After 5 minutes you lead do the kitchen and eat a Peanut Butter Jelly sandwitch that Flynn cooked for you before he left for school. After eating you get into your car(Chevy Cobalt) and you start to drive slowly to Saul Goodman's law office. You get there in 20 minutes. You are parking your car and then you get out of your car and walk towards the "Saul Goodman & Associates" law firm. You get inside the waiting room and take a seat on a chair. After around 2 minutes of waiting a man comes out of an office and says:
   Saul: Melanie White? Job interview?
   *you get up the chair*

   You: Me! Right here! *you give him a wave and then you start to walk in his office*
*He takes a seat at his desk and you take a seat on a chair infront of his desk*

Saul: So, you must be Melanie White? 24 years old amd you graduated Law School, am I right about that?

You: Yes! Graduated Law School 3 weeks ago. I'm wondering if I could get a job here?...

Saul: Did you get your Law Degree?

   You: Yes! I have it. *you look thru your backpack and you get out a folder where you are keeping your Law Degree. You get your law degree out of the folder and you show it to Saul*

   Saul: Perfect! You can be my paralegal! Does that sound good to you?

   You: Yes! Thank you so much *you smile*

  Saul: I just need you to sign on this paper and it is all done! *he gives you a paper and a pen*

*You sign on the paper: Melanie A. White*

   Saul: What does A stand for? *he looks at you curiously*

   You: The A stands for Adele! My name is Melanie Adele White... But I prefere just Melanie.

   Saul: That makes sence now! Well your schedule will start at 9am and end at 9pm, you will work 12 hours a day and you will get 20$ per hour, that means 240$ per day! Can you start tomorrow?

   You: That sounds cool for me, I can start tomorrow!

   Saul: Okay then, Miss White. Be here tomorrow at 9pm!

   You: Fine! *you get out of his law office and get in your car*

*You call your mom*
-Mom! I got the Job, mom!
-I'm glad you did, honey!

I promise the next chapter will be longer! Hope you enjoy every chapter, I also hope you like this story! Kisses
Word count: 528

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now