The Party

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You rush back home. Driving fast so you will get at Julia's party on tine. You get home in 15 minutes. Rushing inside your house. You see your mom in the kitchen.

   You: Mom, may i have a sleepover at Julia? She called me today as i was at work. And she told me that aunt Marie and uncle Hank are going in a quick vaccation. She asked me if you would let me to sleep over there cause she's a little scared to stay alone tonight.

   Skyler: Yes, sure darling! Marie told me that they will have this quick trip or vacantion however you call it, to Oklahoma. They will be back Sunday. Take care, Melanie!

   You: I'll get some clothes and some things from my room and then I'll leave, okay?

   Skyler: Sure!

   You: Mom, but where is dad?

   Skyler: I don't know, maybe he's at work.. He doesn't answerv my phone calls so..

   You: Oh..uhm.. He's probably busy..

You rush to your room. You see Flynn playing on his computer.

   Flynn: Woaah! Is it the end of the world? Where are you rushing at?

   You: I'm rushing at Julia!

   Flynn: You mean, cousin Julia?

   You: Yes Flynn! Now let me rush! I need to rush! I have to rush! You panick a little.

You get a backpack from under the bed. You start to pack clothes from your wardrobe, you pack a dress, some high heels, some pijamas, black tights fishnets, black gloves fishnets and a corset. You retouche your make-up a little bit  so it will look like a party make-up not like a formal one. You're also throwing the make-up stuff in your backpack. You look at the wall clock in your room and you see that it is already 7:40pm. So you rush again.

   You: Bye Flynn! You say as you rush out of your room.

   You: Bye mom, bye Holly! You rush out of the house to your car, you get in and start to drive fast to Julia's house. As soon as you get there, you get out of your car, locking in and rushing to the door, you ring the doorbell. You wait s couple of seconds 'till Julia opens the door.

   Julia: You're here! Rush a little getting in your party clothes! Jesse is already here.

   You: Did Badger also came here? You roll your eyes around as you get inside her house

   Julia: Yeah.. Get in my room and change there..

   You: Fuck.. You walk to Julia's room and you get inside, closing the door after you.

You're getting out the clothes from your backpack, then you start to get them on you, rushing a little. You somehow regret that you came to this party because Badger has came too.. And he's your ex-boyfriend. Julia and Jesse came inside Julia's room.

   Jesse: We've got the good stuff! Would you like some, Mel?

   Julia: Yeah, Mel! Wanna get high with us, again?

   Melanie: Oficially!

All of you three sit on Julia's bed as Jesse prepares the Meth lines on a mirror. First Jesse snores one line. Then Julia snores other one line. And then you snore one line.

   You: Gosh, this blue stuff is so goood! I wonder who are you cooking it with, Jesse?

   Jesse: A guy namer Wa-. Uhh... his name is Heisneberg...

You think that sounded strange and you question yourself. How his name can be Wa-, then changing it to Heisenberg. That's preaty strange tho...

   Julia: I hope my dad won't find about this. Cause if he does, we're fucked up.

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