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I opened the door. It was just Saul.

   Me: What the fuck do you need?

Saul: You need to eat. You haven't eat-

Me: I'm not hungry.

Saul: You need to.

   Me: Fine! I will!

The moans from the other room got loud.

   Me: What the F-

   Saul: Julia and Jesse's room.

   Me: That explains everything, lol!

   Saul: Yeah-

   Me: Fine, I'll head in the hotel's cafeteria and eat something. Is it still open?

   Saul: I guess so.

   Me: I-

   Saul: May I get in?

   Me: Let me speak with the exact words you told me some time ago: "We need to keep professional."

   Saul: Yeah, you're right...

   Me: Now let me get to that cafeteria and eat.

Saul: Yeah.

I walked out from my room, I closed the door and took the elevator this time. I pressed the floor 1 button and I waited to get down. After I eat I need to smoke all the weed and meth I brought up with me... Because if I get catched at the border with it, I'll be fucking get arrested. It doesn't matter that I'm a lawyer cause I cat still get fucking arrested for it. As the elevator arrived at the first floor, I got out and walked to the cafeteria. I ringed a bell and waited.

Woman: Hi! Would you like to order something?

Me: Some steak and smashed potatoes would be fine.

Woman: Okay... That would be... 20 dollars.

Me: Just put it on my card! I hand her my card.

She gave me back the card and a plate with steak and smashed potatoes. I took my card and slided it down my jeans pocket. I got the plate and sat at a single table. I began to eat, I didn't rush. After I finished, I got up from the table and took the elevator to floor 3, where my room was. I walked to my room and locked the door. I rushed to take my backpack from the ground and I throwed it on the bed, then i sat on the bed. I rushed my hands into the backpack, searching for the little bag blue meth and my weed joints. I got them out. I had 1 meth gram and 3 joints. I get one of my cigarette packs and I slide one joint between the cigarettes. Then I thow it into the backpack. I quickly made 3 lines and I snorted them out. I'm dizzy now, huh... I'm gonna open the window so it won't smell like weed here. Then I light an joint. I take a bog drag and as i relase the smoke I say: "I should stay clean, but whatever". If I would leave them here I would also get arrested for drug possession. After ai finished that joint, I slided throwed the remain of it and the other joint into the toilet and I flushed the water. I feel kinda sad because it was fucking expensive but whatever. After that I got in bed and I started to laugh my lungs out. "What the fuck" I thought. Nahh, I will probably be fine. I felt asleep after that.



"Huh?" I yawned as I opened my eyes.

Me: Who's there?


Me: What the actually fuck?


Why am I so cold? No... I forgot to close the window. Oh, I think I remember now.


"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now