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I wake up, pretty strange but I was home alone.  I dressed up today in a short white dress and some black Converse sneakers. I put on a little make-up and i got in the kitchen to eat something. I eated some milk and cookies. Then I got up the chair, walked outside my house, locked the door, got in my car and start driving to work slow and carefully. The road was pretty empty so I got faster than I expected to work. I parked my car infront of the Law Office, I locked it. And then I entered the law office. No one was here, pretty strange again. It was only me and Saul. He started to kiss me and to play with my boobs. Oh my god-

   Julia: MELANIE. WAKE THE FUCK UP! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK! Julia yelled at me as I freaked out and jumped out of my bed.

   Me: Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me, Julia! Gosh!

   Julia: This is the only sentence that would've been waken you up so yuh. I lied. I have some good things to tell you.

   Me: huh?

   Julia: Saul came over and he gave me some papers, you need to do them from home and he will take them. And after Jesse gets out of hospital we'll go on a trip!

   Me: who?

   Julia: Me, you, uncle Walt, Jesse and Saul.

   Me: Where?

   Julia: Mexico!

   Me: oh!

I do my paperwork then we I hear Julia speaking with Jesse ok phone.

   "What happene with who? I don't understand you Jesse!" I heard from Julia

Then someone knocked on my appartment's front door. I get up from the table and I rush to the door, Julia is behind me. I open the door and I see Gomie(uncle Hank's DEA partner and best friend) and aunt Marie. They looked sad and shocked.

   Me: Is everything alright?

   Marie: N-no...

   Gomie: It is Hank...

   Julia: W-what?

   Marie: I-

   Gomie: he was attacked by 2 mexican guys and got shot in his spinal cord... He is in hospital...

   Julia: W-what? She stared crying and yelling

My dad rushed away from his room to the front door. I started to cry, gosh... Uncle Hank was like my second father...

   Walter: What happend?!

   Gomie: Hank got shoot in his spinal cord by 2 mexican guys. He'a in hospital now...

   Walter: Gosh...

Me, Julia and Marie we started to cry loud. Al of my neighbors came to see what happend.  Gomie and my dad we're trying to comfort us. Gomie and Marie took Julia to the hospital. Me and my dad didn't want to go...I was too traumatized, and I wanted to know if these things are connected to my dad's drug dealing.

   Me: Dad, are thors things connected to you? Who do you work for now? I already know the truth, so speak out or I'll find in other ways! I snapped out angry and traumatized at my dad.

   Walter: Probably, I don't know... I work for a guy named Gustavo "Gus" Fring right now... He works with sort of an cartel.

   Me: These things are 100% connected...

I sit back to the table and i continue my paperwork. I hear my dad talking on the phone with Jesse. I heard that Jesse saw uncle Hank arriving at the hospital with an ambulance. Was that what Jesse was trying to tell Julia and she wouldn't hear him? Im confused. What if my uncle won't survive? Or what if he will rind out about my dad and Jesse, and that guy Fring.... Gosh... After I finished my paperwork, I started to ask my dad about thoes things.

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now