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Julia: C'mon wake up, Melanie! She shaked me to wake up.

   Me: uh huh...

I got out of bed. Julia took my hand and we goed into the kitchen. I was sleepy I onky looked down. I sat on the kitchen stool and Julia sat next to me.

   Me: What time is it? I should probably head to work..

   Julia: 8:30am.

   Me: Fuck! Let me rush to work!

I rush to my room. I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. I get on some baggy clothes on and I rush back to the kitchen.

Julia: You don't look like a lawyer paralegal. You look like a patethic junkie.

Me: That doesn't matter! Where are my car keys?

Julia: In my pocket. Julia throws the keys at me and I catch them.

Me: Okay, thanks Julia. Bye!

I drive to work. It was a pretty bussy day so I didn't spoke much with Saul today. The only words he told me were: "We need to stay professional". I got home at 10pm.

Me: Honey, I'm hooome! I joked around

Julie, Jesse and Walter are looking at me and theyre all sayd hi in the same moment.

Me: Yoo, what are we doing here? If you all sre living sround my household I merd help with the bills and with the rent! I snapped out because I was stressed and irritated.

Jesse: Yo, calm down. We're gonna pay, I swear.

Me: Yeah fine. Julia did you cooked something? I'm fucking hungry!

Julia: We have some pancakes.

I rush to eat some pancakes. Then i go to my room and I smoke some weed.


Some days pass by and the big trip day comes ahead. I packed six t-shirts and four baggy pants with me and s formal oultfit. I left my room wearing an oversized T-shirt and some baggy pants with my converse black shoes. My hair was straightened.

Me: But why so we need to go in Mexic?

Walter: We need to get some drug money back.

Me: who's car are we going with?

Walter: Yours.

After some time. We got in the car, and started to drive. The first person driving was my dad, in the front passenger seat was Saul. And in the back it was me, Julia and Jesse. The ride was pretty boring.

Me: But why do all of us need to go to Mexico?

Walter: Melanie, we need to look les suspicious. We need to look like some happy family having an trip.

Julia: Yeah, no shit sherlock.

After 10 more minutes. We stopped at an gas station. I got inside and bought 2 packs of cigarettes and an diary and a pen. I saw Julia buying 5 sandwiches. I wasn't hungry. Sometimes I would just starve myself. Then we got back to the car and my dad drove again. Our places we're the same as before. I started to write in that diary.

"Dear Diary, I hate my life and my decision. I hate that I wanted to became a lawyer. Look at me now, look what I became. I just wanted to be a fucking lawyer, not an criminal. I haven't ate in a long time, I can't even remember the last time I ate... "

   Julia: Melanie what are you writing in there?

   Me: I'm actually drawing! I lied

   Julia: Let me see!

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now