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I wake up on the couch. Julia and Jesse are cooking some food in he kitchen. I get up the couch and I start to walk towards the kitchen.

   You: Boo...! You try to scare Julia and Jesse.

   Julia: Good morning sunshine...

   You: What happend? I'm a little dizzy..

Julia: Well you...

Julia's POV

I punched Melanie in her face so hard that she fainted. Oh fuck, I regret doing this. But she was getting crazy and wild...

   Jesse: Julia! What did you do? The party is over, guys! Please go home! NOW!

Everybody is shocked after what happend and they start to leave. After everybody leaves Julia's house, she starts to speak again.

   Julia: Gosh! Fuck! I didn't mean to! I-

   Jesse: Yeah. Oh well, Heil Hitler Bitch.

   Julia: I really didn't mean to! But what would happend if I wouldn't punched her? Would she do exactly what she did lasst time in that club? Or would she start to fight with Badger, again? Or would she go wild again, like you know? Just like she did at the last party i throwed, getting crazy and throwing glasses and champagne? Just think about the possibilities...

   Jesse: You're right, July... She needs to get sober as soon as possible. She's exaggerating with drugs.

   Julia: Let's just get her on the couch..

Julia and Jesse drag Melanie on the couch.

                          Back to reality

   Julia: Well you got too high and started to exaggerate things.

   You: Like how? Breaking Bad again?
   Julia: You kissed Saul Goodman.

   You: I deny that, I didn't did that, you are lying, Julia!

   Julia: I ain't lying!

   Jesse: Yeah, Melanie! Everybody saw that. You we're trying to make Badger jealous, because he started to yell and insult you. Calling you unfuckable and other things.

   You: No! I didn't do that! You are all lying! Liars! I don't remeber! Liars! I runned to Julia's room, locking the door after me. I think Julia rushed after me and she knocked at the door, pleading for me to open the door. I rushed to my backpack and I changed into my pijamas. After that i wiped the make-up down. I got out of Julia's room, hearing her and Jesse how they we're pleading for me to listen to them. I rushed to my car, I unlocked it, and got in it. I drived so fast home. I even cryied almost the entire ride. How they could lie like that? I tought they we're my family. As soon as I got home. I rushed to my room, without even locking my car. I got in my bed and started crying. Flynn noticed me.

Flynn: Woaah, sys! What happend?

You: N-Nothing I just need to cry. Just leave me alone Flynn!

After some hours of crying, I get out of my bed and I rush to my car. I look at the time on my phone and I see that it is almost 9pm. I whisper: "Sunday, 10pm, club. Shall I be in or shall I be out? Defenetly in! I rush back inside my house, I put on some make-up and I get a hot black tight low-cut dress with some black extra high heels. After that I get into the kitchen to eat something.

   Walter: Where are you going?

   You: The Club. Can you give me some money?

Walter: Yeah. Just be carefull! He hands me 50 dollars.

You: Thanks dad!

You know what, I won't eat anymore. I rush to my car and I drive away to the Club. I call Julia, but she doesn't answerv. So I call Jesse instead. He picks up.

-Phone call-
Jesse: -Yo, yo, yo! Speak up!
You: -Are you with Julia?
Jesse: -Yeah, we're at the club.
You: -I'm heading to the Club, now!
Jesse: -See ya here, Julie is a bit upset.
You: -Oh. I hand up.

I drive fast to the Club. I got stuck in trafic, again, bruh... I roll my window down and I try to light up a cigg'. After I light it up, I look at the matches box and I see there again, Saul's commercial, "BETTER CALL SAUL!". Is he somehow hauting me. Did I really kissed him? I have so many questions for myself... I zoon out again, and I hear honks. Oh! They're honking at me! The trafic is clear again.. So, I start driving fast again. I pass a Cadillac DeVille. "Oh fuck, for god's sake! Is he really haunting me down? Or am I just obsessed?" I asked myself. Five minutes pass by and I finally arrive to the club. I get out of my car and I enter inside the Club. As I got in, I spotted Julia and Jesse. I rush to them.

Me: Gosh! Julia! I'm sorry. I hugged her tight

Julia: Yea...

Jesse: Yoo!

Me: So... July! Please tell me what I did last night! I beg you!

Julia: Melanie, you got so high that you always zoned away, Saul invited you ti smoke with him then you tried to make Badger jealous cause he called you unfuckable and you kissed Saul, then he runned away. You wanted more "blue stuff" and i punched you, then you fainted. Julia whispered this in my ear.

   Me: Julia.. thanks! I just. I- I'm sorry for the pain I caused you..

We take a seat at the bar and we have some drinks while i flirt with the bartender.

   Me: So uhm... I didn't quiet catch your name.

   ?: Esse Campbell, yours? The bartender says

   Me: Melanie White.

   Esse: Is your dad Walter White? The chemestry teaches? If so, he was my teacher.

   Me: Yep...

Time passes by as I flirt with Esse. He truly makes me happy... We exchange our phone numbers.

   Esse: Would you like to dance with me?

   Me: S-sure, Esse!

Esse takes me for a dance, we dance around 30 minutes and then I stop. I didn't think about him for a couple of hours, but i suddenly do now... Why am I thinking now about Saul? Why can't he leave my mind?

   Me: I wanna go home.

   Esse: Did I do something wrong?

   Me: No. I rush to my car and I drive fast home. "Fuck you, Saul. Why can't you leave my mind alone?" I whisper to myself. I get home in 15 minutes. I tipitoe to my room so I won't wake Flynn up. He's sleeping in his bed, he didn't even hear me comming in so I'm glad about that. I change fastly into my pijamas, wipeing my make-up off. I tipitoe again to the bathroom. Taking a brisk shower and then I head to the kitchen. "I didn't eat something in days" I whisper to myself. I open the fridge and take an yougurt from there. I rush myself to eat it. Then I head back to my room. Sitting on my bed in the darkness of my room. I take a deep breath before getting under the mattress. I feel cozy. I have fallen asleep.

Sorry for this chapter being short! I wanted to make it longer but didn't have enough time today. I hope you're enjoying it. The next one will be longet! I promise! Kisses!
   ~Maria McGill

Word count: 1216


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