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Water: "Here! Park there and you all wait in the car."

I parked and we all waited for him . We got out of the car and I lightened a cigarette and I took some drags of it.

   Julia:" Are we gonna find out now or later, Mels?"

I choked on the cigarette smoke.

   Jesse: "Yoo! Mels!"

After I could breath again I looked at Saul, then I looked at Julia.

   Me: "No Julia, you may not."

   Julia: "C'mon! We won't tell anyone!"

   Me: "Just-"

   Saul: "Tell them."

   Julia: "So you also know? Don't you? Julia smirked."

   Me: "How should I say it?... Well, I'm kinda in a relationship."

   Jesse: "YOO, cool! Is it who I think it is?"

   Me: "Who do you think it is?"

   Julia: "Jesse? Do you think it is-"

   Jesse: "Yeah, Saul. Am I right?"

   Saul: "Well-"

   Me: I nodded. "You may be right, Jesse."

   Julia: "I was right!" She started to jump and cheer.

   Me: "Just keep your mouth shut around my dad." I lighten another cigarette and took a big drag of it, releasing the smoke out from my nose.

   Julia: She nodded. "We will, right Jesse?"

   Jesse: "Yup."

   Saul: "If you ever dare to say something, I-"

   Me: "We will sue you!" I laughed.

   Saul: "Right!"

We all started to laugh. I notice my dad walking towards the car with a bag full of money.

   Walter: "What's so funny?"

   Me: "We were just talking about something, don't mind!"

   Walter: "Well then, stop doing that and let's launder those money up."

   Me: "Yeah right-" I took the last drag of my cigarette and thrower it on the ground then I stepped on it.

   Saul: "Did anybody bringed some checks with them? We need a check so we could just launder them up."

   Me: "I think I have some empty checks into my backpack, somewhere!" I got another cigarette from my cig pack and I lighten it up. "Julia, would you mind if you would get them? My backpack needs to be under the driver's seat!" I took a big drag of my cigarette.

   Julia: "Sure!" She rushed to the car and searched my backpack.

   Saul: "You should slow down with those cigarettes, Mels!"

   Me: Fuck off, Saul!" I laughed and I took another drag of it. "Did you found it, July?"

   Julia: I did! I'm searching for that checks, be patient." She was searching thru my backpack.

(I'll just time skip a little, for a couple of hours. I didn't write in weeks and i forgot my ideas. I finally got my shit together and I can write again. I wanna vent so bad about my life rn)

As some hours passed by, we laundrered the money and we we are on our way home. Now, I was driving. It was pretty silence in the car. I had the "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not." album by Arctic Monkeys blasting in my headphones. I was driving in the desert. Some minutes passed by and a 3 cars full of people blocked our road.

   Me: Oh hell nah! What's happening?

   Jesse: Yoo! This doesn't look alright!

(Sorry again, I need to mentally heal after what I heard my ex boyfriend was doing and shit like that. If anyone wants to talk with me about it im open to it tho... but i will continue the story from now on. It has been a month since i broke up with him, august 27. And today is September 27. I will get back to this story. And sorry for long waiting. I'll post this chapter as it is, and i'll start continuing the story from tomorrow. I feel destroyed after what happened.. sorry guys tho)

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now