Beaten up

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I woke un in the morning with beats in my front door and doorbells ringing. I got out of my bed, I didn't even have time to get my pants on so I was in my white crop top and my panties because the beats we're too loud and aggresive. I rushed to the front door, unlocking it and opening it. Outside the door, it was Julia and Saul. They looked up and down at me and they saw that I'm in my panties.

   Julia: Wrong moment?

   Me: No... I just waked up. What happend?

   Julia: It's Jesse! My dad beated up Jesse...

   Me: W-What?-

   Julia: My dad beated up Jesse because 2 days ago, my dad tryied to enter in Jesse's and Uncle Walt's RV. And you know, your dad called Saul and he made Francesa to tell my dad that my mom got into a car crash and shit like that. Then my dad goed to the hospital he saw that it was all fake. And he thought of Jesse! He fucking beated Jesse up! Jesse's in hospital now! Rush a little! Put some clothes on and let's get going!

   Saul: Julia, calm down a little. May we get in?

   Me: Get in, I'll just go and change!

They got inside as I rushed to my room. I got on some flared jeand, and I left on the crop top I slept with. Then I rushed back to them.

   Me: Let's rush then!

We got outside on the driveway of my apartament. Julia got in the back seat of Saul's car. I was about to get in the back to, but...

   Julia: Go sit in the front!

   Me: Okay?

I moved to the front seat amd Saul started to drive away to the hospital. The ride was pretty silent. We got to the hospital amd rushed to Jesse's room. My dad was already there. Julie cryied next to Jesse while I sat there in the back. Saul took a photo of Jesse's beaten up face

   Saul: This will be your escape pass from prison.

After a lot of talking and crying my dad leaned closer to me.

Walter: Melanie, we have some issues...

Me: What kind?

Walter: Me and your mom, we wanna divorce.

Me: W-what?

Walter: I will move with you, is that alright?

Me: yeah, dad...

Julia: May I also move in? I don't wanna live again woth my dad! She sobbed as she speaked

Me: Sure, Julia..

Then Saul drived us back to my appartment.

Me: Thanks Saul..

Saul: Yeah, you'rw free from work today. Sorry for the problems you are having...

I got out of the car and Julia jumped off. We got inside my appartament.

Julia: I don't want to go home anymore! I already told mum amd dad that I'm moving in with you!

Me: Yeah but my dad will also live with us.

Julia: That won't really matter. This appartament has 3 bedroom, so yea.

Me: yeah...

As time passed by, my dad came and moved up with me and Julia. As i cooked dinner Julia and my dad we're sitting at the kitchen island.

   Walter: Who got you this cactus? He sayd as he looked at the cactus on the kitchen island.

   Me: Oh, It was Saul actually.

   Julia: Yooo, Melanie thats nice- She stopped talking regreting what she sayd.

   Walter: Uhm.. What's that blue stiff in that little bag? Is that somehow some of my product? My dad asked as he pointed at a little bag on a shelf.

Me: Yup, I told you that I'm doing drugs.

Walter: Melanie no! Stop it.

   Me: I'm clean for almost 2 weeks.

Everybody got silent and I continued to cook dinner.

Later that night i got in my bed and I got to sleep.

Sorry for this short chapter, I'm not feeling that well and I'm working on bith storyes(this one and the Jesse one). Im thinking that I would like to start one more story but I'm not sure about that, maybe after i finish those ones. Hope you enjoy reading this story! And stay tunned for the next chapter! Kisses 💋

   ~ Maria McGill

Word count: 689

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