Moving out

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After I got my first salary and I also helped my dad with some business things. I gained some money and I decided to move out, not for too long. For a months or two depends on my sallary, cause it is preaty low and i don't know how much money can my dad give me without my mother knowing. I did not get too much things from home. I moved out in a 3 bedrooms apartment. I was free from work from 2 weeks because Saul was gone on a vaccantion. One entire week I smoked meth alone, without anybody knowing, but then I decide to get sober. Right now, I live alone. I'm in my bed, masturbating and playing with myself. Im a little bit horny right now. I hear someone knocking on my door. "Gosh, who must this be?" I thought. I got out of my bed, walking to the front door. I didn't rush, I remember that I used to rush everytime. As I open the door I see Saul Goodman. "Oh fuck" i thought, my hair is so messy right now and I look like a shit. He is holding an pot cactus.

Saul: New house gift! He hands me the cactus

Me: Well thanks! Come in..

Saul comes in. Gosh, why in this moment? I'm so god damn horny. Stop.

Saul: How you're doing, staying clean?

Me: Somehow..

Saul: Good girl!

For gods sake, not now. Why is he calling me like that? Gosh, I'm to horny to handle this crap.

Me: Work starts tomorrow?

Saul: Yup.

Me: So, would you like a coffee? Something? I question Saul as I place the cactus on my kitchen counter.

Saul: A coffee sound good. He takes a seat on the stool infront of the kitchen counter.

Me: Milk, whipped cream, sugar? I ask as I wait for my Coffee Maker to make some coffee.

Saul: 1 sugar spoon and a bit of milk, please.

I notice him looking at me while I prepare his coffee. Preaty strange, but I kinda like it tho.

Me: Here's your coffee. I say placing his coffee on the counter, and giving him a charming smile.

Saul: Thanks. How is it with boys? I ask because of your dad. He thinks that you moved here with a boy.

Me: Nope, alone.

Saul: May I take a look on your appartment?

Me: Sure, let me give you an tour.

I gave him an tour and then the last room i showed him was my bedroom, stopping right there.

   Me: I won't keep this appartment for too many time. Maybe 2 months? I don't really have the money to keep up with the rent of it. The salary is kinda odd, no offense, but it works. And i don't know how much time can my dad give me money make out from drug selling without my mother knowing.

   Saul: Did he told you?

   Me: Yeah, he told me the truth.

   Saul: Does he knows i told you?

   Me: Nope, he knows that I figured it out.

Saul: This place is preaty cool.

Me: Yup.

One lock of hair has fallen down on my face. It didn't disturb me, so I didn't move it away. Saul rushed his hand to move away my lock of hair. Then he softly grabbed my chin and he started to kiss me. "Gosh!" I was thinking. We layed down on my bed, I was on top of him and we kisses. "Is this a dream?" I asked myself. He rolled me over pressing agains me. Gosh, I couldn't breath, he was fucking kissing me, letting me with no air. "Gosh" I whispered under my breath. He started to rub my right tight, slowly reaching that place. I was already getting wet. Then he started rubbing it. I let out some sof moans. Then I kissed his neck that i left him a hickey there. We we're enjoyig ourself. But suddenly someone started to ring the dorbell. We stopped. The dorbell rang again.

   Me: Fuck. Stay here, don't say anything. I whispered.

I fixed my clothes a little. The doorbell ringrd afain. "Fuck" I whispered. I got put of my bedroom, closing the door after me. The doorbell ringed again. "I'm comming!" I yelled as I fixed my clothes again and rushed to the door. I opened the door. Oh, It was just Julia out here.

   Me: Hi, July! I gave her a smile as i spoked

   Julia: Hi! May I get in? She asked

   Me: Yeah, I was kinda busy.. But whatever

   Julia: With what? Have you saw that Saul's car is parked around the corner of the street?

   Me: Huh? I didn't saw that. I dunno.

   Julia: Why are your clothes so creased?

   Me: I just-

   Julia: I get it! You're busy!

She walked towards the door, opening it amd getting ready to leave.

   Julia: Good luck!

   Me: For? I don't get it. Huh?

Julia winked as she left my appartament. Did she knowed what I was doing? "Fuck" I whispered under my breath. Saul got out of my bedroom.

   Saul: I will just leave..

   Me: oh-

He leaned closer to me as he gave me a soft kiss. "This is a dream" I thought.

   Me: I-

   Saul: Bye! He smiled as he leaved my appartment.

"Gosh, what just happend?" I told myself, while locking the door. I was so confused about that. I cannot belive my eyes!

I told youuu! Gahhh! Toook youuuu! I started the smut, girlies! 💅🏻
Hope you enjoy it. I will try to write again everyday so I can finish this story till August maybe September. I also work on a Jesse Pinkman story (spoilers).
Stay tunned for the next chapter, babes!

   ~Maria McGill

Word count: 964

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