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Fuck it. I turned on the radio. "I love the way you lie"

Me: Like it, don't like it, I don't give a fuck we're listening to this song.

I turned up the volume and I sang aling with the song. I just love this song from Eminem.

   Walter: You junkie.

   Me: Yoo, shut up. At least I'm not the one who cooks them. I laughed

   Walter: Melanie, watch your words. I will kick you out of this car id you don't watch your words.

   Me: Yooo, I can kick you out of this car because it is mine. And also I can let you homeless.

   Jesse: Yo Mr. White, actually she's for real!

   Me: I may be a junkie, but at least my wife did not kicked me out of my house.

That we're my final words. Everybody got silent and yeah. Before we got to the border, Julia woke me up.

Julia: Wake up Mels.

Me: What?

Julia: Let's switch places.

   Me: Julia, are you dumb? I did drugs last night and you want me to pass the border while I'm still under drugs?

   Julia: I totally forgot. Sorry!

She kept driving and we passed the border i felt asleep again and this time I got waked up aswell by Julia.

   Me: What is it now?

   Julia: Hotel time, again. I already booked the rooms, let's head inside the hotel. The guys already did.

   Me: Will you be able to forgive me, Julia?

   Julia: Yo, fuck you. Of course!

   Me: But I don't think that my dad will do.

   Julia: He'll do, he'll wont. That's it. He would be nothing without you, because he lives in your apparent. Whatever, let's forget about it and let's go to our rooms.

I got out of the car with my backpack in my hands, I was walking on Julia's right side. We walked to the check-in and we got our room keys. We walked up the stairs, our rooms we're next to each other.

Julia: Take care of yourself tonight! She smirked

Me: Yeah I will!

I unlocked the door and got inside, I locked it back and throwed my backpack on the bed. Maybe one last joint won't be that bad, after all! I open the backpack and get out my cigarettes pack from it. I take that one joint from inside and I lit it up. I take some drags. After all it won't be that bad. One last time. I took another drag, and slowly trying to finished the joint. Hihi- I laughed. Lol, I'm a little dizzy. I promise this is the last time I'm doing drugs! Let me write this right quick in my diary.

"Dear Diary, I just got back into an hotel for tonight. Well, I promise this is the last time I'm doing drugs. *draws smiley face*. It's my fast joint, I swear!"

I closed the diary and lefted it on the nightstand.


Me: Comming!

I rushed to the door and opened it. Saul Goodman.

Me: You, again? I laughed.

Saul: Me, again.

I took the last drag of my joint and i relased the smoke playfully.

Me: So, what do you want?

Saul: May we talk business?

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now