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As some hours passed by, we laundrered the money and we we are on our way home. Now, I was driving. It was pretty silence in the car. I had the "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not." album by Arctic Monkeys blasting in my headphones and was driving in the desert. Some minutes passed by and a 3 cars full of people blocked our road.

Me: Oh hell nah! What's happening?

Jesse: Yoo! This doesn't look alright!


   Me: "Why are these people standing in the middle pf the road? Huh?.." I stopped my music and i three my headphones away somewhere in the car because I was alarmed.

   Walter: "This isn't good at all."

   Jesse: "Melanie-"

   Me: "What the fuck?"

People were literally standing in the middle of the road, behind their card. They are holding guns.

Me: "Woah." I was driving and suddenly stopped. "They fucking have guns! This isn't a normal thing, is it?"

Julia: I'm scared.

They began to shoot at us. Julia grabbed her own gun and got out of the car, she rushed to shoot them.
- bullet
- bullet
Then, Julia fell to the ground.

Jesse: "Julia? They shot her!" He yelled.

I got my gun and shot all of them, because of anger. They all colapsed to the ground.

Me: "JULIA!" I yelled in tears. She was lying on ground not far from the car, having a blood pool underneath her. I just sat next to her, unable to help her. Then Jesse, Walter and Saul got out of the car.

Me: "It's literally y'all fault! Just because of your shitty business! Why... Why did you had to involve us into this shit? Just why!?" I snapped. I was clearly both scared and angry at the same time. "SHE'S GONNA DIE AND WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING! UNCLE HANK WILL FIND OUT ABOUT THIS BECAUSE IT'S LITERALLY HIS DAUGHTER WHO GOT SHOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT WHILE HAVING A ROAD TRIP WITH US!" I was crying. Jesse and Saul were in a shock statement. While my dad was just looking at Julia and thinking

   Walter: "I might have an idea of what we could do. I'll just call Gus to help us in this situation..." He was calm. How could he be calm in this situation?

   Me: "Do it already, please!" I was checking Julia for a pulse and she still had pulse.

My dad called that guy named "Gus" or "Gustavo" something like that. And that guy told him that he could help us. I was wrapping a shirt from my backpack around Julia's belly wound(where she got shot) she is passed out but still has a pulse. It is very hot outside because we are in the middle of nowhere in a desert. My hands are full of Julia's blood. Jesse and Saul are still shocked and they won't say anything, it's just me and my dad, while Julia is passed out, almost dead.

   Me: "Is he gonna come? I feel like Julia is gonna die soon..."

   Walter: "She'll resist."

   Me: "She won't fucking resist! Can't you see, she's passed out and she literally has a blood pool beneath her! I don't know why you are so careless. I don't fucking recognise you anymore! You're not my father. You're just Heisenberg." I snapped.

"Lawyer" A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul story.Where stories live. Discover now