The Brat

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I am walking my cat as my guardian is sitting there getting sloshed on whatever she is drinking today. How she got guardianship over me is beyond me. She's not right in the head. I keep my bedroom door locked and I sleep in the master suite. I cook my own food because I don't trust this bitch. She moved in here after my parents were killed by an unknown assailant. I decided to move quickly on the wills and got a good attorney to make sure Elena Lincoln got no control over my parents estate. She tried very hard to get control. But the will only stipulated she be the guardian and nothing else. She can't sign much but school documents. She can stay here until I turn 18. If something happens to me she gets nothing from the estate. She has tried forging documents already and was caught and she played dumb. Dumb indeed, she was hoping my attorney was dumb. The liquor keeps her out of my business. At 14 I have graduated from high school and now attending college. I am writing books as well. I have groceries and liquor delivered to the house regularly. She has tried to have guests come over, but I told them to leave before I called the cops on them. The problem is the age of her guests are too young, they might tell me they are 18, but I know better. I spoke to Carrick Grey and he told me that I can find out if I call the cops.

I am running through the neighborhood and I am getting a good rhythm when a dog starts barking and knocks me on my ass chasing a damn cat on it's leash the girl is running away with her cat and gets to her gate and jumps it after she puts the cat through the fence. She yells at the dog and then the owner for not having it on it's leash. No one cares that I was knocked on my ass when the dog was in hot pursuit of the cat and it's owner. I limp over to discuss my injuries with these owners of the wild animals. I still come home in the summer for summer break. I am halfway through college. The dog owner is insisting on talking to the girl's parents and she tells them they are in the family cemetery and good luck with that. I tell the dog owner that he owes me for my iPod because his dog wasn't on a leash and knocked me down. I never met the people next door to us, so I don't know their story. I do know the woman with the dog though and this isn't her first time letting her dog off the leash.

Doris Smith
I can't believe that brat is walking her cat it is on a leash, so I decide to scare the hell out of both of them and release Brutus and he goes running and just as he passes my house one of the Grey boys starts running and doesn't hear me telling him to watch out. Brutus knocks him down and keeps chasing the brat and her cat to her gate she gets the cat safely inside and gets over the fence setting off the alarms of course, but she turns them off. I tell her that I want to speak to her parents knowing her parents are dead, they were killed and they are still looking for the murderer. I see a flicker of tears in her eyes and I know I have the upper hand again with this brat. Her guardian is always plastered. So I tell her that I will be suing her for causing my dog to be anxious. Just then the Grey boy comes up and tells me that my dog knocked him down and damaged his iPod and he expects to have it replaced. I point at the brat and tell him that she should pay for it. He then tells me that he saw me release my dog intentionally so it would go after the cat.he shows me video footage on his cell phone and tells me to expect a bill and a law suit along with being cited for not having my dog on a leash like the law states.I huff and tell him to sue me. I then hear the brat tell me she is going to sue me as well. At that point the cops come up to us and they see I don't have my leash. It is where I took it off Brutus in front of my home.

I don't like cats or dogs, but I also don't like people turning their big dogs loose to attack other animals. So Doris flirting with me is not changing my statement about what she did wrong. She couldn't deny it because her leash is so far away. The brat tells the cops that the woman has done this every time she sees her walking her cat on it's leash. She shows us her bruises from trying to get to safety. She has had to save her cat three times just this week. The cat is sitting inside the gate with it's leash still on.

Policeman 1
I write out a citation regarding the no leash and tell the owner to put her dog on a leash at all times. She tries to argue with me and I point to her leash that is still in front of her gate. I tell the youth to report the woman each time she sees her walking her dog without a leash. The hundred dollar ticket might get her attention. I explain to the group that cats don't need to be leashed, dogs do have to be on a leash.

Policeman 2
I hand my card to the young girl and tell her to call me if I need help with the dog and. Her neighbors have signed the statements and so did she and we go our separate ways.

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