A Nice Welcome Home

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We invited the Grey family over to welcome Anastasia home. Kate brought her family as well. Mia and Kate kept in touch with Anastasia on a regular basis. Christian couldn't take his eyes off Anastasia and neither could Ethan Kavanagh. She definitely isn't the girl we sent to college. Mia, Kate, Anastasia and I worked hard on getting things ready for the get together. It was great and a few others arrived. Barney came to introduce himself to Anastasia because they were in contact with each other during her education. He gave her a reference for a lead IT job at Sullivan Technologies and she got it by interviewing through zoom.

The party was great a lot of people arrived and gifts were given to Anastasia. Tweety and Sylvester recognized Anastasia right away. They slept in her room all the time. They are very well behaved and love to be walked. Gail and I loved to walk them. The Grey family are still trying to find out about the guys who are fathers to Lily and Elizabeth's boys. They named the boys after Christian and Elliott. People are investigating who the guys are that fathered the boys, but they seemed to have disappeared from Seattle. Welch had a few leads but they didn't pan out.

I can't believe how different Anastasia is from the time she left for Harvard and it's a great change. I think all the guys are checking her out. I am trying to get close to her, but I am not the only one. Elliott has been trying to avoid looking at Kate. Mia has a crush on Ethan, but he doesn't notice her at all. He has been talking to mom about an internship he just finished and he is trying for a residency at her hospital. Eamon is trying to get a story from me, but I have told him that I don't think this is the time or place to give an interview. Mom and dad come to my rescue when they start asking me about Elizabeth and Lily. How they found out about them is Kate must have told them. Think It's time for NDA's for family friends at this point. I am not sure how to handle the situation about Lily's don being a blood relative to me and I think That Elliott can't get over Elizabeth's son is his blood relative. They named them after Elliott and I, but not using the Grey last name. I am glad I asked Anastasia to help Mia and Kate help with the catering for my billion dollar target party. I finally broke the billion dollar mark and then some. A huge party will be thrown. Elliott is not far behind me in earnings as well.

I know I am the reason for the party but I am being stared at a lot. It's a great party and I am having fun except for the guys and the staring and smiling when they are caught. I just am new to them, once they get used to seeing me regularly they will stop staring like that. I am pretty sure of that. Gail and Jason told me they knew what happened at the professors home and they apologized for his poor behavior. I am enjoying this welcome home party, but I have to get unpacked and settled in and things start winding down. I am being given phone numbers and I take them and thank them for their numbers. I don't give my number out to just anyone anymore. I learned not to do that because of a stalker tracked me down and he was arrested.

I can't believe how many of the guys are tripping over themselves to talk to Anastasia. Mia and I have tried to intercede on her part and we finally got her free of the guys and she felt better and started enjoying herself at her welcome home party. We spoke about her new job and Sullivan Technologies and she tells us very little about what she would be doing and explains she can't tell us much more about it. She signed an NDA and has to be quiet about things that she is doing for them.

I am sort of jealous of all the attention Anastasia is getting from the guys, then I notice it is making her uncomfortable and I decide to go and I bring Kate with me and we help her with the guys and their attention. She relaxed and started enjoying herself. We talked about what Kate and I are doing in the future and that we are going to be catering a huge party for GEH. We plan on getting together and getting things ready. Gail is instructing us on what we need to get for the party. She will be in charge of the alcohol. Christian is trusting me and my friends to do the catering and cooking the food for the party. The servers will be instructed by Gail. Jason will be in charge of all security for the party. It is very interesting how we all had the same ideas and the decorations will be handled by the GEH staff.

I am going to keep my distance from Kate Kavanagh because I have a thing for her, but she is just 17 years old. Plus we still have the issue of the guys who are related to us out there getting women pregnant. Now that I live close to mom and dad I will see more of my siblings and their friends. I go talk to Barney about upgrading my security system and how to get coverage around the water as well. Things have been happening down there and I need to put an end to it. He knows a few tricks and has set them up for Christian. Something about drones and robotics set off by certain movements and voices along with body temperature sensors setting them off.

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