A Better Home Life

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Gail and Jason set rules up for me and they also moved into the other master suite. Jason also spoke to the HOA and they had words with miss Smith. She still has not did as asked about Brutus and I have to keep Tweety inside the gate. She deliberately comes out with Brutus to have him chase me and Tweety back home. I sprayed him with a super soaker and he ran back home. I then got an angry call saying that she is suing me and I laugh at her. They took all the evidence on Elena out of the house, well they made sure Carrick had anything that would effect my parents estate. Like her trying to gain access over their funds. We went through things and Elena tried everything she could to get my inheritance. Apparently her so called fake attorney couldn't write a proper legal document. Each one was declined due to the wording on the documents. Carrick said the guy must not have graduated from junior high school. I never met the attorney. She just brought documents in and told me she was now my guardian. Carrick showed me the differences in the court filed papers and the fake papers. Elena said it was either her or foster care.

We got everything straightened out for Anastasia and the Taylor's are going to move into her house and rent out their home until she is of legal age. That will be almost four years. I finally found out that the so called attorney was one of Elena's teenage victims. He didn't even have a drivers license. His parents are making him testify against the wicked witch. She might be riding a broom in prison or a mop. Grace would personally like to help her get on either of those. She had no idea what Elena was doing with those young boys. Anastasia was always gone from the house when they would show up. At first she thought that they were there to see Anastasia. Our staff told her that it wasn't the case. If it hadn't been for us catching her in the act, Grace was going to have CPS go in and check things out. This way Anastasia doesn't go into foster care.

We sit down with Anastasia and Carrick and go over everything that we found to be legitimate and what we were given to keep for Ray and Carla. Ray and Carla always made sure that they had backups of their wills and everything else in case. They had copies everywhere Elena didn't know that her parents were like that. I had never heard of Elena Lincoln other than the big fiasco about her divorce. Anastasia is good young lady and she had to endure Elena for two months. She also has a neighbor that has been tormenting her and her cat by setting her dog loose on them. The HOA is handling it as best as they can.

We get a background check on Elena and miss Smith. We soon find out something strange about both of these women. Apparently they are sisters, we think she was hoping Brutus would catch Anastasia and cause her fatal injuries. We are thinking miss Smith is laying low since her sister is in jail. We have settled in and everything of Elena's has been removed and we have gotten the cameras removed and replaced with our own cameras. Anastasia is able to walk her cat without being chased by dogs. The HOA has been able to get her to do all the things she has been remiss in doing and they told her she had to keep Brutus inside her gates. I contacted the police on their investigation of Ray and Carla's deaths. They really haven't gotten far in their investigation of their murders. So I ask to look at what they have and see if there's something that they aren't seeing. What they found was enough to make them dig deeper into her and Miss Smith's backgrounds.

Doris Smith
I am keeping a low profile, but Elena got the ball rolling on investigation of her illegal activities and that got them looking at me a lot closer since we are siblings. I don't care what happens, but Elena better not give me up to get shorter time. I have a lot on her. I know she planed the murder of the Steele's but all of them. She somehow couldn't get the job done with Anastasia. She was hoping Brutus might be able to cause an accidental death. Now I can't torment her and her cat with Brutus, even Brutus is upset about not being able to chase that cat. Who names their cat Tweety anyway? My sister shared everything because the cops just came arrested me and went straight for my lay room and took my computers, asked for my passwords and safe combinations. They demanded my lock box locations and Elena gave me up. I can't wait to thank her for thinking of me. Poor Brutus is being taken from his be and on,y home to who knows where.

Policeman 1
I can't believe what I am looking at, as I walk into her playroom I am dumbfounded by the equipment inside the room. Things that I never heard or saw before and hope never to see again. I then hear a dog barking and find him in a room designed just for him. He had an entrance and exit and various things he can play with and I am amazed when he comes running towards me like I am his long lost friend. This dog isn't the same dog we had heard that she had been using to attack her neighbors with. Apparently I was right because it was a she and Brutus is a he. I soon found Brutus and he found me and we got him caged before he could attack us. All kinds of people were tearing her place apart and I get the dog assignments. We get both dogs settled down and in cages and off they got to animal control to decide their future.

Three days later they were adopted by one of the other policemen who were able to help catch them both.

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