The Moment Of Truth

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I notice that new people are coming and going in all the other Mia buildings and soon I see them arrive in my building. I start calling Mia and she has her PA tell me to read my email about new employees arriving and they will be working here from now on. I pull out my current contract and there are only ten days left of it and Mia and Anastasia are not calling me to discuss the contract I gave them. I think I have screwed my self out of a great job by trying to get the whole company away from Mia. Well her name and this branch, it failed. I open my emails and there it is Mia is not going to renew my current contract and has point out the reasons on the contract I wanted her and Anastasia to sign. She tells me that I need to pack my things up and be ready to leave as soon as my current contract ends. Then she shows me that cctv cameras are keeping eyes on my activities in the building. She says if you leave without issues we won't charge you with attempted fraud. The contract I gave them to sign could easily be used to put me behind bars. I start packing things up and taking them to my car. My own car, not the companies car. There is no doubt that I have been fired and I need to go find a new job. I am escorted out after they check my things to make sure I don't take recipes that don't belong to me. I made sure that I didn't use my recipes here or they would belong to Mia under the contracts I signed. I got a job offer and packed up most of my things and flew to New York and then out of the country. I know I was being followed but they can't do much with me out of the country. We were flying very low over the ocean and it made me very nervous because I am being pulled from my seat and the side door to the jet is opened and I recognize the man waiting at the door of the jet.

Aaron Hyde
Remember me Scott? Ha ha ha, the joke is on you and the other shoe is going to drop, that is your shoe with you still wearing them. Are you able to swim? Ahh it won't matter anyway you can't make it to shore anyway. Push him out and shut the door and let's head back home. I listen to the screaming as I go sit in the captains seat and hear the begging and the screaming for help. No n wants to help you Scott because they don't want to. You stole so much and you took people's names and companies and left people penniless. I think that you are a stain on the human population and stains needed removed. Fair well. The door to the jet is sealed back in place and we land thirty minute later.

Colin walks in to his new office and he has everything ready and he goes to the kitchen and introduces himself to his new staff. I can't believe how well he takes charge and he knows everyone by name and he hands each one their assignments and job expectations. All of them have met him and worked for him before so they know what to do and how to do it. My staff should be half as good as they are. But then Colin is my staff. I leave them to start preparing for the day and the events they have to get everything ready for. I have my own things to do. Adam is waiting to drive me to my building and I finally start working on everything. Security followed Scott to the airport. He left his roommate holding the bag for the lease and everything else. He left our vehicles and the keys to them and his badge. He took all his knives and pans from the kitchen. Colin has his own anyway as do most of the best chefs.

Christian is having Scott watched and he definitely left for New York and a private jet picked him up at the airport and they flew out of the country from New York. I am glad, but Christian doesn't trust Scott after reading the contracts. That's why I didn't sign them and had them looked at throughly. Our babies are growing and Kate is getting the baby fever and now Elliott and her want time off to start their family. I figure she deserves it after everything she has been doing. Elliott was a bit miffed about three of us becoming pregnant and then having our babies the same day. Christian came forward and got her a lot of help though.

A jet took off with Scott on it and it is one that I have never seen before. The coverts got pictures and they also did not know who these guys were but they looked like trouble for Scott. No one has seen him since.

I am thrown out of the jet and into the ocean. I float a few miles and watch as different things swim around me in the water. I think I have been here for a while when a boat spots me and brings me on board. I am so thankful for the help that I fail to notice these guys are not friendly at all. All of them are armed with machine guns. I am sat down and tied up and told to keep quiet or be gagged. They don't clean up the cuts on my body from the time in the water. A few small sharks nipped at my body and I am not sure what the guys want from me. They go about their business and we run into a small family yacht and they attack it and leave me on it with the family and destroy their radio equipment. We start floating around in the ocean and we have no idea what the guys who attacked us look like.

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