Three To Go

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I confronted Leila about not looking four months pregnant. I asked that she go to an OB/GYN to have a sonogram done. She refused to do it. I know without a doubt that she isn't pregnant and I can't use the anonymous information to get her to tell the truth. Lily, Gia and Elizabeth are looking pregnant. But I am not sure of Gia because she seems to not show certain symptoms of being pregnant. Like hormones and mood swings and her stomach appears to be oddly the same bump. Babies move and a pregnant woman's bump moves and contorts with the baby's movements. Even Grace noticed something off about it.

I can't believe that my sons aren't a little bit concerned about the women who claim to be pregnant by them. We know Leila isn't pregnant and Gia is really odd looking for a pregnant woman. The bump looks like one of those fake pregnancy bumps people use. I go to the maternity ward and find the educational area for classes that let men know how it feels to be pregnant and talk to the teacher there. She tells me that they had a theft not long ago and the pregnancy bumps were all they took. I look and they aren't missing the swollen breasts for the whole pregnancy package. She tells me that they go together at a certain point. Now I know why it looks odd, she doesn't have the swollen breasts. No swollen feet either, she also doesn't look like most pregnant women do. Her gait hasn't changed either for someone six months along going on seven months along. I am also told that two women were approached about selling their babies recently and both were due about the same time. Police are trying to locate the woman who was looking to buy a baby. Both pregnant women looks fit my sons looks. I had to ask her what the mothers looked like.

Anastasia and I chatted about things with my potential niece and nephews. She said that my brothers need to be more selective in their sexual partners. I of course agreed with her. We have kept in touch since she got to Harvard. She sees Christian and Elliott on Facebook and the Internet news all the time and they go out with a lot of women, it was bound to happen just not in a group of five claiming they both could be the father of babies of all five. She is halfway through college and trying to get things finished on one degree and started a new degree. She should be done in about a year. Kate has been in touch with her as well. Kate wants to go to Harvard as well, but her grades aren't good enough yet to get in to the college.

Mia and I have discussed the situation about the five women trying to get a home, a car and money from her brothers because they claimed to be pregnant by Christian and Elliott. I seriously doubt they are pregnant by the Grey brothers. Leila leading this pack of five tells me all is not what it seems to be. I hear things from people who have heard about Leila and this isn't her first attempt doing this. Kate has her ear to the ground and she sees little pink elephants and that means Leila has faked yet another pregnancy. I guess she has tried the same thing on Ethan. Ethan demanded she go with him to the OB/GYN of his mothers and she refused so he told her to take a hike until a baby with his DNA is born. He said she is psychotic and bordering on dangerous if she doesn't get treated soon. Gail and Jason call all the time and are ready for me to get back home. They work for GEH and have flown in to see that I am okay. I had a few adjustment issues when I first arrived and they helped me through them. Plus the professors helped me adjust as well. One tried to kick me out of his class but found he couldn't do it. He tried failing me, but his TA called him out on it after I complained. He was told to ship up or ship out. My age was his problem.

After my call with Anastasia I spoke to Mia and she said that Harvard requires better grades than mine and I could get my grades up if I worked at it. I don't really work hard to get good grades, I need to knuckle down and stop hanging with my friends so much. So I listen to Mia and Anastasia and start knuckling down and I start getting straight A's. Mom and dad are very proud of my attempts. I might not get into Harvard, but I am going to get into a good college. I have a lot of extra curricular activities as well.

I tried getting a private meeting with Elliott first and his PA referred me to Carrick Grey for future contact with any Grey. I try to get Christian on the line and his PA said to contact Carrick Grey and ask to talk to him directly. So they have circled the wagons for now. I couldn't get the pregnant women to sell their babies. Gia stole some pregnancy bumps from the maternity ward teaching unit. She forgot to get the breasts part of it, so she's stuffing her bra now. She bought padded bras and stuffed them as well. Gia lost the baby early on and she and I have been trying to get a baby from someone who is close to our delivery date. We can't do it again at the hospital, because the cops have been looking for us at this point. Susannah has gone missing Elizabeth is definitely pregnant and so is Lily. So we are up against the cask on getting a baby.

I am going to end this farce before I go to jail. I call Carrick Grey and tell him I lost the baby and that will be the end of that. I hope so at least. Until he wanted to know more about it.

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