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I decide to invite proper young ladies over to meet my sons and I wished I had just stayed out of it. My sons and their father had a long chat with me about trying to set them up with anyone at all. So I gave it up. Mia told me to not try to set her up either. She said that she can find her own man when she is ready.We are invited to a lot of charity events and of course the whole family are seated at the same table. So out of a table for ten we only have five seats unless the children bring dates. Mia hates it right now because she's still a teenager, she might enjoy the dancing and the other things when she gets older.

I know that there are single young ladies that will be at our table and of course we have hopes that they haven't been with our sons yet. Grace said they haven't divulged who bought the other five seats at the table yet. We watch as five young ladies arrive together and each seem to be enjoying themselves at the expense of my sons. Tonight can only end in disaster and I hope not. I look at Grace as she watches the looks on Elliott and Christian's faces. Lily Johnson, Gia Matteo, Leila Williams., Susannah Marks, and Elizabeth Morgan are seated at our table. The chickens have came home to roost as they say.

I am looking at Susannah Marks and Elizabeth Morgan and hope they don't start throwing food and other objects this evening. I am sure that this evening gown won't last if they do. I see Christian alert his security people who are already in position around the table where we are sitting.

Ladies I strongly suggest that you behave yourselves at this event. I can see the evil glint in Leila's eyes and I have no doubt she had something to do with all of these ladies being at our table tonight. Her ability to manipulate people to get what she wants is why I ended things with her. Elliott had no idea that I had dated her at all. Gia and Leila however knew about us dating them both. Security spotted them and arrived before I alerted them to the issue at hand. Mm has this look on her face and so does Mia. Hopefully these five women will behave themselves, but I somehow believe they won't.

Holy smokes I can't believe these five are sitting at our table. I watch them all very closely and things are tense and talking has stopped. Security has gotten closer to us. I think Christian has been asking them to come closer to prevent anything from happening. I watch all five women, no doubt they are here for Christian and I.

I see security has gotten closer and Christian has made them aware of a possible problem. Christian already knows what we are capable of and I am sure he knows that all five of us have something planned. I am sure that they don't expect us to behave tonight. Gia looks at both Elliott and Christian and we decide to announce our pregnancies. Who knew that these two would be stupid enough to date us all so close together and we would all have an agenda. All five of us are pregnant and these two are possible fathers of the babies.

When we finally calmed down and started talking Leila and I found out we weren't the only pregnant females who had recently dated both the Grey brothers. I don't know who was paler Christian or Elliott and I saw their mother and father look at their sons and then they spoke to each other and of course they want DNA testing. We have everything ready for those tests. Grace tells me that they will have an independent testing company run the tests either now or after each baby is born until then they will assume no financial obligation to any of us. Carrick said as much to us all.

I whisper to Elliott and then to dad that I have had these five under surveillance and they have been with other men since being with us and along with being with others before us sexually. So the odds are that not all of them are pregnant by Elliott and myself. I knew these women would cause problems and I was right. Jason has got it covered and sent me reports on all five and they apparently are pulling the same scam on other men. Wealthy ones only though. Other wealthy suitors have been paying for these ladies upkeep recently.

I look at all five women and tell them that men talk about their sexual conquests and each one of them have had sex with more than me and Christian and will definitely make sure that we find out if they are really pregnant and exactly who the fathers are. I just laugh and ask what they expect from Christian and us and ask if we can record them saying it. They let us record everything they are telling us. I know now they probably aren't even pregnant. They are asking to be moved into a home that we will buy for them along with a new family car and support them and their child starting now.

I tell the ladies that, until the babies are proven Elliott's and Christian's they will get nothing. After that they will get child support for the child and security to assure they are safe. Our sons will not buy them homes or cars. They will assure their child gets the proper care as well. But ladies we still need proof of your pregnancies by a trusted OB/GYN. Then we will talk further about what type of DNA testing will be done. So ladies if and when you show proof or proof is shown by an independent DNA testing facility that you are indeed pregnant and with my grandchildren you won't be getting a dime from my sons. I think we should leave you here to discuss your options.

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