Grey Brothers Vs Greene Brothers

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Elliott and I are finally exonerated for our brothers bad behaviors and for pretending to be us. Luckily the people with did business with realized they weren't us and didn't sign any papers to do business with the Greenes. We made it clear that there were men who looked like Elliott and I in Seattle and pretending to be Elliott and I.  After all that we found out that they were photographed by the paparazzi and we hadn't paid much attention to it. Luckily others did and they were smart enough to know that we didn't pose for photos like the ones they saw. So when the Greene brothers were out, the people who knew us well, knew the Greenes were not us. Elliott especially was obviously not Emerson and vice versa. The same for Charles and I.

No matter how many people I tried to fool, only the women trying to hook up with a wealthy man were the ones fooled.  Those were the ones we who just wanted a meal ticket. Lily and Elizabeth were the ones who got pregnant by Emerson and I. Lily and Elizabeth are being treated very kindly by mom and Apple, but they treat our sons excellently. Even though we gave them very little they made sure our sons came first. Even the Grey family treated them better than we did. Mom made sure our sons were well cared for after she found out about them.

We finally have the pretenders unmasked and they can't be mistaken for us any longer. It doesn't hurt that Christian and I are dating and are monogamous at this point. Not that we are having s3x with Kate or Anastasia because so far we aren't. After everything that went down they are not going to be another notch on our bedpost. I know both these young ladies are not willing to be just another of our conquests. Christian told me that Anastasia told him point blank that she is not easy prey for him.

I couldn't get a deal with anyone because they somehow knew that I wasn't Elliott and after meeting the real Elliott I can see why business people knew the difference and they told me that they knew that I wasn't Elliott Grey and that I had better stop pretending to be him. So we were only able to fool women looking for a rich guy. We were very successful in that matter. Mom has a different perspective on that and has made her points very clear on our playboy activities and has insisted we get tested for all STD's and we both have no choice to agree to getting it done and we are to seek help for our inability to see how using women for their bodies is a bad thing. We no longer have access to our cash or our nice cars so we can't afford to go out like before. We are lucky to have money to buy clothing. Talk about living the dream and now we are living the nightmare. I then realized that is what we put Elizabeth, Lily and our sons through until mom and Apple discovered the truth about them and they are living a very nice life. Our trust funds are frozen until we prove we can be trusted to be better men and hard workers.

I watch as the company grows with Anastasia and Kate at the helm. Kate has came to me about her fathers faltering company and she wants to do a takeover over Kavanagh Media. I look at it and she has made sure that I know all the issues that need fixed. Christian Grey is looking at it as well. I think it would be best if we take it over and I set a meeting and I don't tell Kate about it. Anastasia suggest that we tell her and get assurances that she not say a thing to her family about it. We called her in and we show her the deal we have ready and she expresses her concerns and we take them into consideration. After we have our meeting she was correct about the board members needing to be terminated. They are the problem with the management of the place. Her fathers hands were tied at every turn and he wanted the improvements years ago. The board didn't want to spend the money. Mom said to offer to buy out and add it to the Seattle branch portfolio and have Kate and Anastasia run it. Fire the board and keep Eamon on until he retires as a figurehead.

Eamon Kavanagh
I can't believe I am getting paid to be a figurehead for five more years. The board however has been fired for ineffective management practices. No retirement packages are being given to the board. Their stock has been made worthless by now. Kate told them they needed to keep up with the times five years ago and they didn't want to spend the money. I delved into it and they still failed to follow the plans.

Enid Kavanagh
Eamon is finally going to be doing what he loved most and he can stop fighting the upstream battles from the board now. He is going to be a figurehead for others. He will at least make the same money and just add his two cents in. Kate will be one of his bosses and he will not have all the u do pressure that he has been going through these last years. Ethan says it will give dad some time to enjoy life like he used to.

I call Kate and she tells me dad is happier than he ever was. I spoke to him and he wants to go fishing with me and this is a good step forward for now. He is no longer hurrying around or stress headaches about possibly losing the company he built. Mom seems very relaxed as well, they might be able to go on that cruise.

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