my cat destroyed my life

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After 18 long years, the day finally came when my mum allowed me to keep a cat. Initially the blue-eyed, white-haired persian kitten was a little furball of joy. But now, as she is 7 weeks old, I realise how she has destroyed my life. Here are 5 ways she accomplished that.

1) She's a diva. (She craves attention)

Kittens will take up all your attention. They want it now, they want it for as long as possible and they will make sure you give it to them. Basically they just want you to bask in their feline glory all day long. And that's exactly what you'll do. Trust me, the hours will pass and you won't even realise how much time alone you've spent cooing to your cat.

2) She fills up my gallery.

Since it's June and I am like any other average A-Levels student, my gallery should be filled with pictures of notes and past paper questions. But, it's not. What I do have though, are pictures of my furball in every sleeping position possible, complete with close-ups and carefully shot purring videos.

3) She makes me exercise.

I hate exercise. Physical activity has never been my forte. But yet, when my kitten wags it's tail and shimmies its little body to pounce at me- I have to run and let her chase me. I just have to play with her. I mean, I don't want her to get bored right? Plus, how could I deny that cute face?

4) She's killing my social life.

Suddenly, all my snapchat stories are filled with the cute antics that my kitten gets up to. My Instagram is starting to get repetitive (who am I kidding, you know it's far and beyond the point of repetitive when the thumbnails start to look the same.) Also, I feel the incessant need to bring up my kitten in various conversations. I'm scared guys. Is this the initiation stage of a crazy cat lady?

5) She's making me a hermit.

To add to the crazy cat lady development, making plans to go out has become rather difficult these days. The guilt of leaving the little one at home is very high(even though she won't be alone and it's only for a few hours.) I just worry about her y'know? My cousin's wedding is actually coming up in the summer and I'll have to travel to another city and stay there for two weeks (don't ask me, it's a South Asian wedding thing). Needless to say, just the thought of leaving her alone for that long is excruciating.

Other than that, I have to creep around the house in fear that I won't trample the speedy little furball. I also have to pry the bottom of my shirt from her mouth, obey to all her im-hungry-feed-me-meows, keep my phone charger away from her grubby little paws and lastly, I have no choice but to love the little furball. Especially when she nuzzles my hand and looks up at me with her baby blues. I mean, really, how could I possibly deny that cute face?

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