love web

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The first time we met, you looked at me. I mean you really looked at me and didn't bother looking away.

"What?" I laughed, feeling silly for having you look at me like that. You gave me your first dimpled smile then and lifted one of your shoulders.

"You're beautiful," you said, as if it was obvious. And I blushed to the extent that I looked like a tomato.

From there and out, every word I had to say, every thought I had to share, you listened. Every look I threw, all the smiles I stifled, you needed to know the story behind them. You wanted to know everything about me and at the same time you told me everything about you. You always saved a seat for me in class and you always walked me to all my other classes. You always text back and never kept me waiting. You would shower me with compliments and noticed even the little changes.

You payed attention to me. Always. And I couldn't be happier.

A change in my mood, hitch in my plans, new interests- everything, anything. You were the first to notice. So was it a surprise when I found out I liked you? No. I was into you. And I was sure you were into me.

I was right. You were into me, but I wasn't the only one. Before me, was Samantha. Before Samantha was Kelly.

Tamara, Ellie, Jenna, Tori, Jordan, Lisa- and so it went.

After me, it was Amanda. And as I watched you carry her books, play with her hair, whisper into her ear- I knew. You spun your web of love and promises, trapping the innocent and having your fill. Then when someone new comes around, you forget they were ever there..

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