dimensions of a bad boy (#2)

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This is a continuation of dimensions of a bad boy (#1). So I suggest you read that part before you read this.

I spent the next few days waiting for him to say hi to me again. He didn't. I was more disappointed than I thought I would be and that angered me. I didn't want to pine after him. I didn't want to invest myself in him. I didn't want to be thinking about him when he hardly remembered who I was. So two weeks after he said hi to me, I gave up. I flipped the switch off. I didn't care anymore.

Sometimes as I walked down the hallway, I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't meet his gaze like I usually did. What did it matter? He was never going to be mine and I would never go for someone like him. Was I crazy for even thinking like this? I couldn't believe I actually thought that we could be together. I had to be crazy right?


Sure, there was chemistry between us and there was no denying it. But chemistry doesn't last, it fizzles out and fades away. Time passed and somehow I found myself thinking less and less about him.

It was one day before winter break and I had only one class left before the day ended. Naturally, there was commotion everywhere, in the courtyard especially as everyone sat in groups, chatting to each other. I was happily making my way inside the building for my Physics class when my eyes flickered towards the parking lot. There was a fight going on and a huddle of people cheering around them.

My feet moved towards him before I could process anything. Numb, I forced my way to the inner circle and watched him. He was really angry. He was holding up his ex best friend up by his collar, speaking to him with malice. They were cheering really loudly now, a teacher would be here any second and would probably blame everything on the badboy over here while it was clear by the smirk on his best friend's face that he was egging him on too.

I couldn't hear what he said, there was too much commotion around me but I heard a name. Her name. The girl they were fighting over, his ex girlfriend. And then the punches started to fly and he started beating him. Hard.

Horrified yet oddly transfixed, I couldn't look away. I wish I did though, there was so much blood..

The last thing I saw was everyone looking at me like I was about to break. Then, complete darkness.

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