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What do you say?
to a pain that lingers
one that festers
runs through the tips of your fingers.

How do you fight it?
the uphill battle
I feel like I'm drowning
staying afloat is such a hassle.

Wouldn't it be easy?
to be numb instead
to close my eyes
to finally not feel regret

When will it be over?
the voices in my head
the hollowness in my heart
help me, I'm sick.

A very close friend of mine was terribly hurt today. She suffers from chronic depression and receives a lot of hate for it. She was verbally attacked this morning and among the many hurtful things thrown her way, she was told to stop being an attention seeker and stop making a big deal out of everything.

Here's the thing guys. Depression is a big deal. Despite what people may try to convince you, it is a serious medical illness. It is not something that you have made up in your head. It is raw. It is real. And it is very dangerous.

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