me > everyone else

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One of the most important reasons that I find myself lost in bouts of sadness and loneliness is because I underestimate myself.

The first thing that every human being should do is: love themselves. I know there are a lot of people out there who say they don't have a problem with themselves, who say that they like who they are. You do, do you? But come on, do you really love yourself? Probably not. And that's where we're going wrong. Love yourself before you let yourself fall for anybody else. When it's all said and done and they're out of your life, you know who's going to be there? You. You're going to look after yourself. I know it sounds stupid but care about yourself because in the end, you're really the only one who matters. Get to know yourself. Love your mind, body, soul and everything else that you have to offer because yes- as cheesy as this is, you're worth it.

And for that loneliness? That hollow feeling you get late at night when you're lying awake in bed?Remember, if you don't love yourself then how can you expect other people to? You're the only one who's holding yourself back from being with someone who loves you just as much or maybe more than you love yourself!

So embrace you. The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Because you are beautiful, you just don't seem to see it. You're you. You're unique. And there is someone out there who will look past your flaws and see you in all your glory. Bright, shining and stunning. You'll be all they have ever wanted and every piece of you will swell their heart. And you know what the funny thing is? Maybe all this time what you thought was your biggest flaw, it was what actually made them fall in love with you.

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