shitty day

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I am so out of it today. I don't feel like dealing with anything. Do you ever have those days when you just feel really tired of everything? And by everything I really do mean everything. School, friends, drama, parents, siblings, work, crushes- you're just so exhausted with all of it to the point that just thinking about it causes your head to hurt. Yeah, that's how I feel right now. I bet everyone has had this kind of shitty day once in a while. And especially on a Sunday. Sundays are just terrible, horrible, grief bringing days.

It's time like these I wish I had a cat. Just a cute furry little cat (can be a Corgi too because those are the only types of puppies I like along with those pretty-wolf like-dogs-with-amazing-coloured-eyes. Sadly, I forgot what they're called.) who would curl up next to me on my bed and soak in the silence with me. It's a shame I can never have a cat though since my dad has breathing problems and my mom thinks I'm too incompetent to look after myself, let alone look after another being.

Lol anyways, since I can't cuddle with a furry friend and I'm hating human interaction too much too call any of my friends, I'm going to put Plan B into effect. Which requires me to go to the kitchen, grab my bag of Cheetos that I had stashed away to save from the evil clutches of my brother, shut my bedroom door, close all the lights in my bedroom and pull back the curtains to have all the sun I can, then slide under the covers and watch Friends on my laptop or The Vampire Diaries or A Very Potter Musical if I'm having an especially crappy day.

So there it is, I guess I'm done ranting for now. I hope you guys have a great day even if I'm miserable for no apparent reason haha!

Commencing Plan B in 3... 2... 1.

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