★ | 021. losing the only friend she had left

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Cassie Howard
Chapter 21: Losing The Only Friend She Had Left
Word Count: 669

"You're so fucking annoying!" Nate shouted at the top of his lungs before storming out of Cassie's room, slamming the door behind him, the sound rattling through the house

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"You're so fucking annoying!" Nate shouted at the top of his lungs before storming out of Cassie's room, slamming the door behind him, the sound rattling through the house.

Cassie's previously rage filled face turned into sadness. Her and Nate had another fight and once again he said words to her that cut deep. She wouldn't be able to stop thinking about them. Why did he have to do this to her?

She went to her bed and instantly retrieved her phone. She went to the contacts and tapped on the number she had called a numerous amount of times before.

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[name] groaned, rolling over in bed when his phone ringing woke him up. 'What's the time?' He thought when he looked around to see nothing but darkness. He grabbed his phone and squinted when the light blinded him.

It was Cassie. And it was two a.m. in the morning.

He sighed, watching the phone ring. This was a regular occurrence. She would call him at least twice a week late at night, telling him her and Nate had a fight. He knew this would be why she was calling him tonight. He would answer, she would cry, he would listen and when she asked for advice he would say the same thing:

Break up with Nate.

But did she listen? Never. Not once. And the next day Nate would give some shit apology and she would accept it then pretend nothing happened while [name] was left annoyed and sleep deprived.

The only time she talked to him now was to rant about Nate. He could barely call them friends anymore.

He frowned deeply and put his phone on silent before placing it face down on his desk. Cassie was not bothering him tonight. He would get a good nights sleep and he sure as hell wasn't going to feel guilty.

She would be back with Nate in a couple hours. She would be fine.

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Cassie frowned when [name] didn't answer the fourth time she tried to call. He would usually answer on the first call since he was a light sleeper.

What was going on?

She tried ringing him again, clenching her hand around the device. It went to voicemail. "Why aren't you answering?! What kind of friend are you?! I really need you right now and you can't even answer? Thanks a lot. You're just as useless as you're dead best dad, no wonder he hates you." She hung up the phone with a huff.

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[name] had listened to Cassie's various voicemails she left, each one angry and insulting. He had enough. He wasn't just going to let her treat him like this.

The next day when school came around he found her standing in the hallway with Nate by her side, an arm around her shoulder. She laughed at whatever stupid thing he said before leaning up to kiss him. Just like that they were fine. Like always. Did she even care about the hurtful words she had said to [name] the previous night.

He stormed over to her and when she saw him, she smiled. "Oh, hey [name] - "

"Shut up." He cut her off and her eyes widened. "Next time you and Nate have a fight don't call me. In fact, don't talk to me at all. This friendship is over, understand?" He sneered at her. "By the way, she tells everyone you have a small dick." He said to Nate before turning around and storming off.

And just like he expected she didn't come after him, she turned to Nate and claimed [name] was a liar, which he wasn't. They began to argue and soon they would have a fight.

But it wasn't [name]'s problem anymore. Cassie had officially lost the only friend she had left.

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Authors Note: See below!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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male reader imagines, cassie howard Where stories live. Discover now