Leopold Vermillion - Of Ice and Fire

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Leopold Vermillion X Reserved!FemReader

A/N: Because I got many requests for this sweet lil lion-


She was cold, her distant gaze enough to give most others frostbite from a single glance. Ever quiet, ever forlorn as she seemed to float by, present but hardly ever truly there. She had closed herself off to others a long time ago, he found, her gorgeous eyes always holding what seemed to him very much like sadness. She was lonely – or perhaps he'd just been selfish in assuming that. And yet with every touch he gave, she seemed to melt further and further, slowly but surely giving way to the path of her cold heart. He kept his gaze on hers as he placed a gentle kiss on her smaller hand, watching as a rare blush adorned her sweet face. However long it took, he would make her his, taking much pleasure in the fact that only he could manage to thaw her.


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