Fireball (Magna Swing)

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Well, this is probably gonna be terrible, but here's a random spur of the moment (sober)
MagnaxFemale!Reader. Please spare me your flames!
Heehee, get it ?
Ahh, such a lame ãss


And just who would've thought, would've guessed that...


A young girl, quite the beauty too, if he were being honest, sat on the stone pavement outside of what appeared to be a trinket shop.

"Hey, Hey - Let's fight !"

Much to his annoyance , Magna only had the girl in his sights for all of 3 seconds when Luck's bouncy form forced it's way into his view.
Of course he'd do this. Damn brat...

"Look, like I said before, it ain't exactly a good idea to go shootin' off magic spells spells in public, even if it is a small town."

Before he could even blink twice, a fistfull of lighting was promptly, and swiftly, jammed into his side.

Crashing into a nearby tree face first, a veined manifested itself on his temple as he almost shakily stood to face a now laughing, and hysterically at that, Luck Voltia.

"Alright, jackass, you asked for it !!!"

Luck was now skipping into the distance as Magna followed, heated.

"Flame Magic...!"

Luck spun around to face him gleefully, expectantly.


"Oh, please don't! You might seriously hurt one another! "

(F/n) knew it was none of her concern, but she couldn't help it! She truly was concerned about these strangers' well beings ! So...she did the unthinkable.


Magna realized just a hair too late, but this girl, that beauty he was staring earlier, was now in front of Luck !



(F/n) awoke to find that despite the cold feeling of the pavement on her back, she didn't feel completely terrible.

"Oh good! You're awake!"

"Hey, I'm real sorry about that miss ! Before I knew what the hell was going on ,, I'm real sorry!"

As she sat up, she took note of both of the...Magic Knights? The blonde to her left smiled while the one with shades looked as if he was mentally cursing at himself, gaze not quite meeting her own as he sputtered apologies.

She broke out into a giggling fit, which was only spurred further into full on laughter as she took note of the confused looks on both their faces.

"...Are you-"

"I'm fine! Honest," she said between giggles "I'm just relieved neither of you are hurt! But you know..."

She looked directly at the one to her right.

"...If I hadn't activated my magic when I had, I might've actually been injured, Mr..."

"Uh,M-Magna. Name's Magna Swing."



Stirring a bit in her sleep, (F/n) clung a little tighter to the warmth of Magna's left side and his heart nearly melted as she snuggled closer to his form between the sheets. Chuckling warmly, he pulled her even closer, eyes closing once more as he began to drift into unconsciousness again.

...A Fireball, of all things, would bring us together ?


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