Music To My Ears (Rill Boismortier)

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Here's a Rill x Musician!Female!Reader for ya !

( ★o★)


Art was subjective.
Or, well, that's what people kept telling him anyway...
In his opinion, there was NOTHING more annoying and ,quite frankly, stupid than someone who didn't appreciate his Art.
Criticism be damned.
'Art' was the only true form of Art. Music was Music, and Literature was Literature.

That was that.

However, once he met (F/n), his warped foundation, albeit reluctantly, began to change.When they first met...

She absolutely shook him to his core.

When he was 16, there was a new recruit, (F/n), new to the Azure Deer and a self proclaimed 'Musical Genius' . She didn't take the role of a Magic Knight seriously, like at all, and though he didn't either, he couldn't fathom why she'd even want to join in the first place. She'd told him that 'She played for the Sanctity of Music' and that 'She only had ears for the chords of Life' .
He scoffed.
Just what was that about, anyway? Was she trying to be a philosopher or something?

But...that was three years ago.

Since then, her trusty Rosegold Flute had undergone a few minor adjustments. She'd also learned quite a few conjuration spells, summoning various instruments made entirely of Mana for a variety of different damage buffs and paradigms on the Battlefield.

That being said...fighting outright still wasn't her thing, so she focused more so on aiding her comrades.

She also had a knack for brightening people's moods and mellowing people's tempers with her tunes. With rich Brassy tones and full sounding string ensembles, the young Captain found himself having to admit it...

He really did quite enjoy her company.

As he had risen in ranks, so too did his responsibility, which was very...very unfortunate.

All he wanted to do was paint!

As he filled out the paperwork on his desk, one of those ever boring tasks as Captain, he found himself just about at wit's end with the melancholy of it all when he heard the sound of...smooth and fully toned flute just outside his study.

He cracked a smile

Well...maybe he could stand to do this paperwork for just a little bit longer.

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