Langris Vaude - NSFW Vowels

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I haven't had as much time to focus on requests, but I don't wanna NOT write, ya know?

A.E.I.O.U (And sometimes Y), Langris flavored!!!

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A - Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

• As a noble, Langris has never actually had to lift a finger if he didn't wish too do so, so it goes without saying that he's not exactly used to catering to someone else. Or himself, for that matter
• He's not the most active person after expelling his seed either on or in you, prefering to bury his face in the crook of your neck rather than fetching things like a servant
However, he will ask if you need anything, a towel or a glass of water, and demand one of his many maids to fetch it for you if that's what you desire
•Honestly, he'd like to shower after the act, but his lack of both stamina and experience keep from getting up immediately
•Also gets a little lazy after, not gonna lie, but he'll get a little pissy if you mention it

E - Experience (How experienced are they?)

•As mentioned earlier, he's not very experienced.
•Okay, I lied, he's got no experience whatsoever
•He sees sex as either a "tool for breeding" or a sort of stress reliever, one that's not really necessary to function, so it's never been at the forefront of his mind
•Like...ever. Like even if he's horny
•Since you're more than likely his first, you'll have to teach the uncharacteristically blushy boy a thing or two, his intense gaze flickering between your sensitive bits and your facial expressions, trying to gauge your pleasure from your reactions

I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Are they romantic?)

•He's going to be more than a little awkward and stiff the first couple of times, his brain more so focused on trying to get a proper technique down rather than the pleasure itself
•Not the most romantic person in the world, either
•Still, he wants you to enjoy yourself and he'll be damned if he finishes before you, so be prepared for some fierce foreplay
•What he lacks in experience he makes up for with intensity

O - Oral (Do they like to give or recieve? Are they skilled?)

•So Langris is admittedly a bit selfish in this reguard, the classic egotistical nature of his noble heritage coming into play in the bedroom for this one
•So, yea. He definitely prefers receiving
•Totally not because he thinks he's nowhere near as good as you when it comes to giving head noooo, whaaat? Crazy talk 
•He's honestly not as bad as he thinks he is, just a bit too aggressive with his kneading. Which...actually feels pretty damn good if you're into rough stuff

U - Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)

•Now I know that you know that Langris is like the biggest damn tease, hands down
•Doesn't need any particular reason to do it either, just something that he gradually grows to love the more experienced he becomes
•He's had a bad day? Teasing. A good day? More teasing. Is feeling extra affectionate that day? Surprisingly less so, but yea, you guessed it! Teases you juuust a smidge before giving in
•And if you think he can't edge you all night long then fucking think again because he can and will, don't test him
•Or Hell, do test him if you're into being tortured by means of teasing

Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

•How high is Langris' sex drive? Well...not very
•Can very easily deprive you of sex while keeping the straightest possible face
•He can have sex once and be satisfied for like the next 3 weeks, no joke
•But hey if you beg for it, he might just be inclined to give you what you want
•If you've earned it, that is

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