Drunk In Love (Finral Roulacase)

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Finral x Female!Reader

Guys, I just got back from hanging out with friends and I'm tipsy writing this (on some spur of the moment type ish my dawgy) , so should be raw and real, if not a little stupid... Anyway, hope you enjoy~~~



Finral didn't like to admit it, but although he was a shameless flirt and had been for years, he'd had very...VERY little success with his many attempts. (F/n) seemed to be the only girl who'd even give him the time of day consistently, and even then he always knew it was platonic, no romance involved what-so-ever. Or at least he'd always assumed there were no romantic feelings involved. At this very moment however, he wasn't quite sure what to assume anymore....

"Finraaaallll...Finny, you gotta take another shot ! Those are the rules!"

(F/n) was currently drunk and as her regular "Drinking Companion", as she so politely put it, he actually wasn't too much of a drinker. Sure,he enjoyed some of the nicer tasting drinks, cocktails and such, but (f/n) was definitely... definitely a heavier drinker than he was. And oh boy was she a riot when she drank...

"U-um (f/n) I think you've had enough scotch for one night. In fact, I think you've had enough for a couple nights..." he responded almost complaining.

"Well if you loved me, you'd at least take a small sip ..." she mumbled as she pouted her lips. Oh great.
Here we go...

"Now, that's both uncalled for and unfair to say...I do love you... I love you alot more than you know actually..."he paused with a frown "If you loved me, you'd stop saying things like that...they're really hurtful, ya know!"

He had tears in his eyes now. As drunk as she was, she was well aware she'd overstepped some boundaries. She stood, albeit wobbly, and closed the little distance there was between them with a gentle hand on his arm.

"But Finral...I do love you."

Though the smell of alcohol was strong, her words were serious, and perhaps even stronger than the alcohol itself. But he wasn't about to get his hopes up. Not again...

"You're only saying that 'cause you're drunk ! And even if you do, it's just as friends, right ? Isn't it ?"

A tear cascaded down his right cheek and there was a beat of silence before she responded.

"...You think I'm kidding ?" She breathed out a sigh, closing the distance further as he began to stutter half-hearted protests.

"Finral...," she breathed, inches from his lips.

"I-I , (f-f/n)-"

Her lips crashed into his and before he knew it, he was kissing her back, feverishly.
This wasn't right.... She was drunk, right? Wasn't this taking advantage of her ? Wasn't this wr-

She broke the kiss and his thoughts all in one motion.

"...I'm in love with you, Finral."

She chuckled a bit.

"And like it or not, I think you're gonna be stuck with me for a long time."

He was speechless. He had questions. His face burned as chills ran down his spine... Hell, his mind was all over the place !
And of all the lines he could say in that one perfect moment, his voice moved too fast for his mind to catch.

"I uh...I think I'm okay with that."


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