Zora Ideale - The Wizard Princess Headcanon

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A/N: Think I saw a few Zora Requests and this concept seemed real fun to write in-between all the madness-

Zora X The Wizard King's Daughter


Zora Ideale

• Meets (Name) on a mission he (and unfortunately Asta) was forced on by Yami. Can tell she's a royal right away.
• The moment she greets him with the same exact smile she greeted a fellow nobleman though he is visibly taken aback.
• "...You need something, girly?"
• "Well, a smile might be nice, but I can't exactly force it on you."
• Very bold is she.
• Most people took one look at Zora and opted to steer clear. She not only greeted him with a smile, but went out of her way to attempt to hold an entire  conversation-
• "...Do you have any idea who I am, little girl?"
• Of course his first instinct is to insult the very clearly grown woman, but it was almost like breathing to him. Again, much to his annoyance, she smiled - laughing even.
• "Of course! Zora Ideale, I've heard a lot about you!"
• He raises a suspicious brow.
• "From who?"
• She waves a hand nonchalantly, dismissing the question altogether.
• "Ah just some old man, no one of any importance or relevance to the conversation. Anyhow, I'll see around?"
• "Not likely."
• She practically skips away and he is equal parts irritated and frustrated, not entirely sure who this (hair colored) weirdo was but almost swearing he'd seen her before.
• After further research, i.e. some questionable trailing, he finally figures it out; (Name) Novachrono, who simply goes by (Nickname) - the only daughter of none other than the Wizard King.
• Fate must have been playing a cruel joke on him because from then on, the cheery Golden Dawn member seemed to be everywhere he went, making a point to prattle on about whatever thought crossed her mind
• Even when he flat out ignored her, she would still follow him around, randomly piping up about the foliage or the latest technique she'd learned
• Truthfully, it didn't take long to start turning his stomach
• "You do realize I don't give a damn about you or your frilly little life, right?"
• He stopped walking completely, the alley painted hues of orange by the sunset. He heaved an annoyed sigh, finally looking over his shoulder at the strangely quiet (Name)
• Her smile was small, but very sad as her gaze fell to the ground
• "I figured as much. It's just...nice to have someone treat you like an actual person and not like a favor to be won. It's nice when someone's genuine, even when it's like this..."
• It was his turn to be silent in the otherwise active city streets
• He understood it well enough just from his research on her; often times, she was treated like a glass princess, people marveling at the sight but too afraid to get close, too caught up on the fact that she was the daughter of Julius Novachrono
• Time and time again, people would typically react in two ways; attempt to befriend the girl in order to gain favor with her father or give false smiles and compliments as a way to try and romance her. There were even people who avoided her altogether, intimidated by her status despite the warmth she brought
• She could tell hardly anyone was honest about their intentions - and then she happened upon Zora, someone who had no intentions, no tainted opinion whatsoever
• It was...oddly refreshing, the way he treated her
• An awkward hand found the back of his neck and he groaned in annoyance for perhaps the third time that day
• He let the silence settle for a moment or two longer
• "...Do whatever you want."
• His tone had less edge than usual, it was even a small bit kinder than she'd ever heard it before despite what was said
• Even with those words not-quite-encouragement she'd pursued conversation with him less, suppressing the urge to run over and replacing it with a wave - which over time he started to acknowledge with a nod
• He found she was actually fond of pranks as well, though ones that didn't necessarily hurt others but rather seriously inconvenience them - and who could forget the untamable flower incident
• He had to admit, albeit silently, she was actually...pretty fun to be around
• They got into the habit of playing jokes on one another whenever it suited them, inciting the longest game of 'tag' known to man
• One of his pranks goes awry one day though and her ankle ends up broken-
• "Ah, no worries! At least I have an excuse to slack off from work now,"
• She wore her signature jovial grin but there was a part of him that genuinely felt bad
• Ended up bringing her back a random crystal from some cave he happened to venture in
• "...This is some kind of trap, isn't it?"
• She eyed it suspiciously and his eyebrow twitched
• "Just take the damn thing, would ya?"
• She pokes at it a little longer but smiled as she snatched it away
• "How very kind of you, thanks!"
• She ends up getting it crafted into jewelry that she wears around constantly - much to his embarrassment
• Realizes not long after that he may or may not have started to develop certain feelings for the girl...
• Straight up has no idea what to do with that
• So things continue as they are for a while after that realization
• "A Gala for potential suitors...?"
• He said it with such disgust he had to reel himself back in a bit. She shrugged from her spot on the high stone wall next to the redhead, awkward and slightly anxious smile
• "I dunno...my father says it could be an advantageous thing 'For the good of the kingdom', or something like that...,"
• He was silent for half a beat
• "Sounds asinine."
• "It most definitely is!"
• She exclaimed, smile finally dropping, hands clutching at her (hair color) locks. It was pretty comical, he couldn't help but grin
• "You could always ditch it. Not like your old man can force you into it."
• He shrugged and she laughed
• "Well, he can certainly try! But I'd much rather spend time with you than some pompous fool-,"
• She freezes - mortified
• "Is that right?"
• Suddenly his taller form is dangerously close to her own, eyes trained on hers,  her warm breath staggered as it hits his face
• Her eyes falter before she looks back at him
• "...Yes."
• He himself was taken aback by the seriousness of her tone. He pulls away before he gets carried away completely
• "Yea, well...we don't always get what we want, do we?"
• "..."
• "..."
• "Hey, Zora?"
• "What is it, (Name)?"
• "Go out with me?"
• He freezes - he didn't actually think his teasing would go anywhere, truly
• He turns away a bit but she can see the tips of his ears changing color clear as day
• "...Guess there are worse people out there."
• "Hey!"
• Refuses to admit it but he's more than a little excited


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