Testament of Strength (Mereoleona Vermillion)

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My First REAL Request!!!
This on is for you, AngeBlossom !!!
I reeeeeaally hope it's to your liking !

Also very SLIGHT Trigger Warning!!! Because, well... people just dunno HOW to accept people for who they are which is a REAL shame...
Mereoleona x Female!Reader
(° –3–)°


Strength; What even is it really?

According to the technical definition, it was defined as the capacity to withstand great force or pressure.

But then...

How is it measured?
How is it gained?
How is it sustained?

(F/n) asked her father once, when she was younger.

"Strength is simply power, young one, given to only those who are worthy. It is a reward for those of us who know to keep up appearances for those who are...weaker than us."


He was stern in his answer, confident.
But (F/n)...she just...couldn't fully swallow that explanation. Not truly.

(F/n) Windsor was a Magic Knight of the famous Golden Dawn, like so many members of her family before her. Her Affinity, Glass. Beautiful, Strong, and Kind, she was welcomed almost with open arms into the Golden Dawn, although that was probably due to the fact that her family was of Royal Blood. And though she was kind, it always seems as though she kept her distance, no matter how close she was physically. Only few, such as William Vangeance, had taken note of this little factoid.

Her smile seldom reached her eyes.

The newcomer, Yuno, as perceptive as he was, had noticed this as well. Not that he'd ever mention it to anyone...
She'd taken a genuine liking to the somewhat stoic boy. His blatant disregard for those who attempted to make him feel worthless, 'like the commoner he was' , was something to admire. He'd proven his strength through his actions time and time again. He was truly something.

He was...

'Strength', she'd mused to herself.

If only she could be so lucky...

Ashamed for the fact of being attracted to females, (F/n) had attempted to tell her parents, years ago actually, about how she was feeling and about who she was feeling it for...but before she could even get to the 'who' in question, she'd taken in their expressions and stopped speaking altogether.

Disgust. Among other things...

Needless to say, her father and stepmother were more than a little upset by this discovery, a disease, they said it was. A cure, they said they'd find. Her stepmother had even gone as far to say that if she ever told anyone else, they'd disown her completely.

And so, she hid. She hid the little glances she'd give the Fiery Redhead. Hid her usually soft and velvety tone and words behind a wall of Fortified Glass, locking away her feelings and putting on a nice 'wholesome' mask, sultry sweet, for everyone to see.

But her mask was beginning to crack...

As hard as she tried to keep her gaze on her male companion as he spoke, she couldn't stop her eyes from wandering back to that Fiery Redhead when she was around.

One crack.

On more than several occasions, she felt heat on her back, a burning gaze. When she turned, sure she was no longer being watched, she was caught. Caught in that intense scorching Blue.
But today, it felt different...

Two cracks.

She couldn't quite tear gaze from the Redhead, the words of the companion she was with now background noise.
A moment later and the Lioness smirked.

Three cracks

And just like that...a shattered mask.

"I'm sorry, if you'll excuse me..."

(F/n) made her way in the opposite direction, throwing one last glance at that Glaring Blue.

Coward...you're still too Weak


"So...You avoiding me now?"

(F/n), quite literally, jumped at the sound of a voice breaking her thoughts. Tears barely being held back as she refused to meet the other's gaze...

The Redhead, shocked by her sudden display of emotion, took a seat next to her long-time friend silently.

"You wanna tell me what's on your mind?"

Her voice, though still firm and sounding very much more like a statement than a question, lacked the edge it held previously.

'You. No matter how hard I try, How strong I think I've grown, it's always you...'

As if she were able...to say such things...

"...Mereo what ..."she steadied her voice "What is strength? True Strength?"

"Hmm? "

She leaned a bit closer as her friend tensed at the proximity.

Ahh. Now she understood.

She smirked.

"Strength is 'Power'..."

She paused, taking note of the quickly souring emotions in (F/n)'s eyes.

"...But, not Power in the way you're thinking."

Finally, (F/n)'s orbs met Blue once more before the cool blue moved to gaze out at the starry night.

"Raw Power doesn't always equate to Strength, not really. Further more, Strength doesn't mean you have to bottle up your emotions and pretend to be something that you aren't simply for the approval and praise of others.
In fact, I think True Strength is the opposite;
Being honest with yourself and others, despite what they may say or think, now that's True Strength."

When she finished her speech, she was smirking. Turning to face the other woman, her smirk only grew as hazy eyes met confident ones.

(F/n) felt her eyes begin to gloss over.

"You're not gonna cry again, are you?"


"Because if you are, you- Mmm??!!"

Soft lips met softer ones for what seemed like ages...and then, regrettably and all too quickly, parted once more.

"Mereoleona Vermillion I'm in love with you."

And for once, The Lioness was as quiet as a mouse.


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